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«I’m starting this channel in order to achieve my goals.» -

This is how a new guru’s blog could start. Only here, among my goals, there is no desire to become an infobizmen or to open my own training for changing the lives of people. It will be about my personal goals in various areas of life. Although my life could serve as an example for many, I sincerely believe that in the long run no one can help a person to change. This can only be done by himself.

I also note that I am not opposed to trainings and info-businessmen. Yes, many of them are those who can speak and / or sell and could not or did not want to apply this skill in something else. Yes, many trainings have signs of sects. Nevertheless, I do not blame their creators - everyone earns on what he can. Sellers of dreams will always find a buyer. ✨ 🎁 It is a human nature. It is possible to attend self-improvement trainings, but it is important to understand why you do this.

🔹 If for motivation - great, chances are that you will get it. Especially if I tried many other things and it did not help.

🔹 If for finding the tools to change oneself is also an option, although it is usually expensive compared to personal development books. From which all knowledge taught at trainings is taken. However, reading is not for everyone. And if there is nowhere else to spend 50-100K - why not?

🔹 If in order to get something that will turn your life upside down, most likely, disappointment will come after some time, because if the trainings helped, there would not be so many. However, you can get motivated, even if you did not initially follow it. And this will not be the worst result.

Let's return to my goals for the next 12 weeks, without explanation. Let them just be here:

1. «Masks» - to understand what they are connected with. Independently, with the help of others or with the help of a psychologist.

2. «Work»:

a) decide whether I stay or not.

If I leave, then:
b1) find a better job.

If you stay, then:
b2) run your project.

3. «Body»:

a) healthy relationship with food (without disruption).
b) weight loss from 69 to 58 kg.

4. «Sleep»: Strict daily regimen and a maximum of only 1 time per month the opportunity to violate it. Sleep must be continuous.

5. «XXXX». Let's leave to the equator - April, 28th.

6. «Relationships». For now we leave it unnecessarily necessary to do something.

7. «Internal debts»:

a) to deal with all the «internal debts».
b) to start and finish an online course.

8. «Hobby». Until the birthday of at least 3 weeks, regularly engage in their hobbies.

It turns out 8 points. I need to start working on 6 of them. I have 12 weeks for this.

📍 If I will fullfilled at least 5, and the internal condition will change, I consider that I am succed and I won't go to a training yet. People propagand it, but I resist yet. Method of assessment: questions for myself and for loved ones (will be formed later).

📍 If I will fullfilled 5 points, but this won't improve my condition, I go to the training. Points are points, but the internal condition must change.

📍 If Iwill fillfilled 4 or fewer points, I go to the training. We all know everything perfectly, but for some amazing reasons we don’t do what is needed.

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