


Hi there, gue Jeremiah. bisa dipanggil jere or miah, tapi orang-orang biasanya manggil “Jer“. Gue talkactive person, dan gue lebih suka kalo dipanggil ada embel embel “kak” atau “mas“, bcz it's sound cute. Tapi balik lagi ke diri lu sendiri sih. I love give a pet name for my partner, bcz it's sounds cute tho. I can love you harder. I hope i can treat you like a princess or prince [maybe], gue juga suka ngasih reminder text if i in my mood. Gue jarang terbuka sama orang tapi gue usahain sedikit terbuka sama calon pacar gue ini yap. Gue usually use “gue—lu“ or “aku—kamu“ for daily convo, ngikutin orang yang ngobrol sama gue aja sih. I love cat, and i'm cat person type. Gue juga suka dengerin music, tapi lebih suka dengerin suara lu sih. Btw, if u want we can blend in Spotify. We can share anything, share our stories, our fake pap daily activities and anything. Gue bingung ngetik apa lagi disini, so see u on roomchat, mi amor.

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