
There were probably days when we felt like we didn’t know what love was. But here we are now, hand in hand and loving each other endlessly. Another day, another week, another month, another years i still love you bubbie. We finally made it (again) until this time. I want to tell you that i’ve been admiring you from afar, and it’s about time you knew because you deserve to know that you’re a precious wonderful person, and i adore you always. Everything feels so unreal but your presence beside me makes it surreal. I couldn’t express my feeling in words because you know, you exactly know how my feeling works on you. 

You’re such a lovely person, thank you for being a good person to everyone. I hope that you won’t lose hope and keep your cheer up because i always here to support yoh whaterver happens. Thank you for always being the most comfortable home for me to back, the strongest shoulder for me to lean on, the gentlest guy that melts me softly out of sudden.

Honestly, idk how to describe him.. karna dia bener bener sempurna dan luar biasa buat aku ceritain secara singkat. He’s kind, precious, best boy, cheerful, amazing. He always showered me with love and happiness, wow kamu borong semua nya yaaa? Bener apa yang aku bilang, kalo kamu itu sempurna. Kakak, makasih yaaa? Makasih selalu sama aku disini. Aku tau kita gak selalu seneng seneng, semesta itu kadang jahat sama kita makannya aku suka bilang kalo kamu punya aku. Aku bakal selalu dengerin keluh kesah mu, aku bakal selalu ada buat kamu kapan pun aku bisa, apapun aku lakuin selagi aku bisa, dan kamu jangan takut untuk minta sesuatu ke aku ya?

I want to apologize because i made a lot of misktakes to you.. apapun kesalahan ku please forgive me ya? Aku bakal berusaha buat selalu jadi yang terbaik buat kamu! You deserve tons of joys and a lot of happiness. Semoga kita bisa bareng bareng terus ya? Kita harus ketemu lagi ditanggal 9 berikutnya! Mau kan kamu? Harus mau dong heheheh. Thank you for being the best part of my life as well, thank you for changing monochrome into colors in my life, thanks for treating me like i want, thank you for being you, I love you everytime everyday everywhere, and forevermore.

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