In 2022, the environment for raising children has become much more toxic with development of social media and globalisation. Is this true or false? Discuss.

  • 12 year old children spend 6 hours every day on TikTok. They hate the way they look without filters or some image correction.
  • On Instagram they see "perfect" people with perfect bodies and lifestyles that no real person can live.

So children don't like the real world, they don't like themselves and they feel bad about themselves.

How should parents protect their children from this? Is it with censorship? Taking away the phone? Talking with them?

The solution: keep children busy.

Children are young and they get tired easy. It is wrong to put so much stress on children. Do you agree?

Sport. A lot of sport is always stressful. Yes or no?

Forbidden fruit is sweeter.

  • Environment = situation, place where something happens, context
  • Forbidden = something you can't access
  • Activities
  • Emperor

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