the good samathritan

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make the numerators the same

Apply this whenever you see a fraction of A is equal to a fraction of B. These questions could be solved with models but as numbers get larger, this method becomes easier.


question 1

first, let's see how this is solved with models.

3 units of F = 2 parts of R. Since they're equal, why have 3u and 2p? Make them equal!

See what happens? 3 and 2 can both be turned into 6 units using equivalent fractions. All we're doing is making sure the equivalent fractions have the same numerator. Hmmm! This can absolutely be done without doing all those boxes and lines! See below.  

Solving abstractly,

question 2

question 3

question 4

Some questions can be a little tricky in that they don't tell you directly that two fractions are equal. You need to infer (guess) it. Here's an example.

question 5

Infer that 3/5 S spent also means 2/5 S left and that 3/7 L spent also means 4/7 L left.

question 6

question 7

question 8


question 1

2/3 of the pupils in Sunshine Primary School and 3/8 of the pupils in Orchid Primary School are girls. Both Sunshine Primary School and Orchid Primary School have the same number of boys. There are 840 more pupils in Sunshine Primary School than Orchid Primary School. How many pupils are there in Sunshine Primary School? 

question 2

question 3

question 4
Three bakeries had a total of 380 cupcakes at first.
Bakery A sold 1/2 of its cupcakes. Bakery B sold 2/3 of its cupcakes and Bakery C sold 4/5 of its cupcakes. They sold the same number of cupcakes. How many cupcakes did each bakery sell?

question 5


question 1

question 2

question 3

There are 296 blue and green beads in Container A. 3/5 of the blue and 3/4 of the green beads are in Container B. There is an equal number of blue and green beads in Container A.

a) What is the ratio of the total number of blue beads to the total number of green beads?
b) If 118 blue and 319 green beads were given away, what is the ratio of the number of blue beads to the number of green beads left in the containers? Give both your answers in the simplest form.

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