


1) Убери здесь All Sports с главной. Добавь уже Танцы и Поло пожалуйста.

2) В логотипы партнеров ссылки добавь: https://www.wrc.com/en/, https://www.fiawtcr.com/, https://sochiautodrom.ru/, https://www.rolex.com, https://www.motul.com, https://www.formula1.com/, https://arctic-club.com/, https://arcticmorgeo.ru/en/main/, https://siberia-hills.com/, http://www.mainpartner.ch/en, http://arcticventures.vc/en/, http://real-petroleum.com/, https://petroleum.digital/, https://villalaplana-spa.com/


Тут 9 вещей: Professional coaching; Sports event organisation; Collaboration with celebrities; Theoretical and practical trainings; Special equipment; Individual racing program; Deep analysis of data; Accumulation of skills; Intense training sessions

Текст под этой темой: Today you can become a part of Arctic Energy Team’s breathtaking projects and we are delighted to welcome you. We are also happy to meet everyone who shares our team’s motto - “The impossible is our profession!” - and would like to join our ranks.

4) Там где новости на главной будут картинки к новостям отображаться? Или просто текст?

5) На всех страницах вот эту плашку внизу сделай красным:

С текстом: We're interested in talking about your sport dreams!

6) Moscow, 10k1 Shabolovka str.



7) Inst - https://www.instagram.com/arcticenergyracing/

Fb - https://www.facebook.com/arcticenergyracing

Твиттер убери пожалуйста

8) Тут About the team. Именно так напиши как я написал, я тебе и в прошлых правках это писал. Внизу Амбассадоров без капслока сделай.

9) Вот такой текст тут сделай: We unite people from all over the world into a single close-knit family.

10) Под Амбассадорами: сделай там такую перечислялку с квадратиками как на главной. Заголовок: We organized these events:

и вместо слов логотипы https://yadi.sk/d/5rghj5XiCYLFIw которые при клики ведут на соответствующий альбом в галерее автоспорта https://yadi.sk/d/-YxIDWiBaswPGA.

11) Там где пилоты добавь пожалуйста красные дизайнерские кружочки несколько по сторонам, что в самом шаблоне на главной есть.


1) Обложка блока на главной: https://yadi.sk/i/CQEYo5oYwnci5A

2) На самой странице делаем сначала такой дизайн, но только с 1 фоткой сверху слева, без нижней под красным (фото https://yadi.sk/i/AKOXZflQEeJyIw):

На красном пишем:

What can I do in order to start a motor racing career? Только это жирным, без верхнего текста.

А слева текстом идет:

Contact “Arctic Energy Academy” and we will not only get you seated behind the wheel of a sports car but let you test it on the world’s top racing tracks!

Theoretical and practical trainings are held under the caring supervision of our recognised coaches. 

What is included in these trainings:

- racing theory;

- getting familiar with the track configuration;

- general physical preparedness in specially equipped sports facilities;

- undertaking training laps on the actual race tracks and in the professional racing simulator;

- individual analysis of the telemetric data.

Теперь фото справа вставляем как тут (с красной черточкой и подписью Happy drivers before the training session, вот это фото https://yadi.sk/i/KI5RFOVj0HuomQ)

How long will it take to start competing?

Between 3 and 10 days of intensive track training depending on your personal experience and knowledge.

What is the minimum and maximum age for race participation? 

The age of the participants can vary from 4 to 70, according to the racing class and the championship’s conditions.

ЗДЕСЬ СПРАВА ТОЖЕ вставляем фото: https://yadi.sk/i/CBapCM9CBrFS9A с подписью с красной черточкой: Arctic Energy Team is always supportive.

Is there a health risk when it comes to driving?

Racing is absolutely safe, as special equipment and installations in a race car reliably protect the driver from injuries.

How long does the competition last?

A racing weekend takes from 2 to 5 days.

What are the practical benefits of the skill set acquired at the Academy for the casual driver’s needs?

Following our racing program, the drivers demonstrate a more insightful and all-embracing understanding of how to drive safer on the public routes.

Теперь вот этот текст про requirements пишем вот в такую тему как выше (без Get in Touch и с фоткой внутри https://yadi.sk/i/w9s4BXgNAqO76A):

Training requirements:

Special racing equipment, such as: helmet, HANS ( a head and neck support device ), racing suit, special racing shoes, fire resistant underwear, gloves, race car and a racing track.

Race requirements:

Special racing equipment such as: helmet, HANS ( a head and neck support device ), racing suit, special racing shoes, fire resistant underwear, gloves, race car and a racing track Racing Driver’s License and application for participation in the series.

3) Потом вставляем квадратики как на главной с заголовком:

What are the key ingredients of a successful race?

  • Adrenaline rush
  • Matchless emotions
  • The shortest pathway to an accomplishment
  • Strong motivation to win
  • Rigorous self-discipline

Ну и потом плашка красная Get in touch как в оригинальном шаблоне.


Поменяй местами яхтинг и хоккей в блоках пожалуйста и в выпадающем меню.

1) Система в начале как в авто, только один текст, а не 2.

Вместо слов about motorsport - Arctic Energy Yachting (краснаяточка)

We have already sailed through thousands of miles while being a part of the best international regattas in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean Sea.

The most precious thing for our crew members is a 24-meters long   enchantress - the racing yacht "Arctic Energy". The Californian architects from Reichel/Pugh worked in collaboration with Nauta Yacht to produce the yacht’s appearance. The majestic design of the vessel is well complemented by with its outstanding racing characteristics. The yacht is equipped with eleven DOYLE and North Sails sails, as well as all the necessary equipment and electronics: echo sounder, log, wind speed and direction, repeaters, navigation, plotter, autopilot, compass, GPS, VHF (VHF). B & G Halycon System 4 mast 20/20 displays, 1 fully functional display B & G Autopilot Hydra 2000, Garmin chart plotter / GPS 5000 series with electronic maps (Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, United Kingdom).

The Arctic Energy team finished in second place in the Copa del Rey sailing regatta (2015) and won the bronze in the legendary Rolex Middle Sea Race (2017).

А справа от текста фотография как в Академии гоночной: https://yadi.sk/i/_tyFvO5vpblAbQ

Потом идет длинная фотография яхты с обложки и под ней характеристики (как с тачками):

Characteristics of the yacht 


Model: Nauta 78

Class: Maxi

Design: Reichel / Pugh yacht design

Length: 78 ft (24 meters)

Body Material: Carbon 

Engine: LOMBARGINI, 82 h.p. 

Engine type: Diesel

Потом текст как в Академии слева:

The Arctic Energy crew’s eagerness to succeed is aided by intense training sessions before each sailing race. These trainings are conducted with the guidance of the Arctic Energy Academy instructors (Olympic champions and reigning world champions in sailing).

The Arctic Energy crew invites you to become a member of our yacht team and take part in one of the international sailing regattas! This is a rare opportunity to gain invigorating experience and learn the craft of navigating a Maxi class sports yacht in the company of  professional yachtsmen.

СПРАВА от этого текста фото: https://arctic.energy/userfiles/photo/large/111_em5a4525.jpg с подписью: Happy team members during Giraglia Rolex Cup

Потом тема с квадратиками с главной и заголовком We participated in these regattas:

И там логотипы вместо слов отсюда https://yadi.sk/d/vAmEfF45L41bzw, которые ведут на альбомы Яхтинга в галерею. https://yadi.sk/d/Zh9kbGaxM1J38Q

Потом красная тема внизу как везде гет ин тач, которая ведет в написать письмо в контактс.

Инстаграм сверху - https://www.instagram.com/arcticenergy_yachting/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/arcticenergyyachting


В хоккее начинается с текста как в яхтинге, текст берем отсюда: https://arctic.energy/khokkey/o-khokkeynoy-komande-arktik/

А справа фото https://yadi.sk/i/chqm-IX1oTVLdQ

Пото через неделю будем в хоккей добавлять амбассадоров и данные по нашим кубкам.


Текст отсюда: https://arctic.energy/dance/

Фото справа третье оттуда же.


Information will be available soon.


Обложка - https://yadi.sk/i/CeU7MnV-xClSfw

We Are Where You Are. оставляем

info@arctic.energy - график Mon - Sat 9:00am - 7:00pm / Sunday - 11:00am - 5:00pm

We unite people from all over the world into a single close-knit family.

Фото сперва монако: https://images.pexels.com/photos/3586/port-yachts-monaco-luxury.jpg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=750&w=1260



Потом Мск





Текст слева:

Заголовок: Arctic Energy is your opportunity to become the best.

Дальше: Arctic Energy transcends borders, giving people an opportunity to become fully-fledged participants in the present and architects of their future. It is about being and not about seeming. Building, not surrendering. Living a bright life, breathing with a chest full of air, meeting each day with a smile and responding with dignity to the challenges life throws at you! Our club has been around for ten years and managed to achieve a lot during this decade.

Ильичу на шапку налезла красная тема, можешь ее наверх поднять?

А тут фото: https://yadi.sk/i/aDHfLGdQ68Or8g

Текст: заголовок - We will help you to comprehend your plans in the most interesting sports.

потом - Contact us and we will give you full information about each event in which we participate. Arctic Energy team has extensive experience in participating in world-class sporting events.

Ну и шапку поправь пожалуйста для всех экранов.

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