

salam sayang buat huda saya.

this is your 2nd letter from me. I wish this isn't the last one.

nothing much i wanna say to you, but after all thank you.

thank you, for being a very good friend for me. You're not just a friend to me, trust me you're more than that.

thank you for existing, your existence means the world to me. Instead of keeping you as my girlfriend, i would keep you as my wife. In the future, inshaaAllah.

thank you, for taking care of me. even from afar. i do appreciate it, a lot. You have taken care of my siblings too, and that's why i love you. so much.

im not lying when i say i love you, i do love you. huda.

sarah & naura was the only reason why i still survive today, but then you came and now you're one of the reason too.

more years to go,

with them. with you, sayang.

the letter has come to an end, but not us.

i love you.


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