
Yesterday's clearing operation by the DPOS of QC Government in Area 2 was frankly an assault against our maninindas. Now that the QC Government released a statement regarding yesterday's operation a while ago, it was clear the Roehl Jamon authorized such atrocious operation. He's at it again to forcibly push through the promotion and opening of their self-serving, capitalistic product DiliMall. If Jamon really cares his constituents, hence the UP community, he must explain to us why he authorized such atrocious operation. If these kinds of atrocious acts would happen again in the future, authorities would have no choice but to face the fierce iskos and iskas who are ready to defend not just Area 2, but the whole UP campus. Or else, and I am warning everyone here, there might be a bloodshed taking place.

Lagi tayong tinuturuang kapag may krimen kang nakita, tumawag ka sa otoridad. Pero sino ang tatawagan mo kung ang otoridad ang nakagawa ng krimen?

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