## Script turns all lines from new_dataset in Trello Cards

import login, trello_api

from urllib.request import urlopen

def get_raw_data():

# Returns a list where each element in a line from new_dataset.txt

f = open("new_dataset.txt")

lines_for_cards = []

for line in f:

if line != "\n":


return lines_for_cards

def find_needed_data_in(raw_data):

''' (list) -> list

Returns List of lists with [0] as name and [1] as comment


clean_data = []

for element in raw_data:

caret = 0 # pointer at current symbol

name = "" # storage for name field

description = "" # storage for description field

# skip any symbols at the beginning of a line if not number

while element[caret].isdigit() != True:

caret += 1

# store a number, presumably associated with Client ID

while element[caret].isdigit() == True:

name += element[caret]

caret += 1

while element[caret] != "\n":

description += element[caret]

caret += 1


return clean_data

'''def make_card_for_trello_from(name, description_not_formatted):

(str, str) - > response

Returns respond to POST call from Trello about success in adding a new card.

description = format_for_url(description_not_formatted)

# URL for POST

request_url = API_URL + trello_list + "/cards?name=" + name + "&desc=" + description + "&key=" + key + "&token=" + token

return requests.post(request_url)'''

# take data from specific document

all_document = get_raw_data()

# find only lines with tasks

refunds_todo = find_needed_data_in(all_document)

# transform every fitting line in trello card 

for data in refunds_todo:

trello_api.make_card_for_trello_from(data[0], data[1])


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