Diary1: If I work in Shaybah oil field


I live in a place with extreme weather conditions, Shaybah.


During summer days, the temperature often soars to over 50 degrees Celsius. It’s so hot and hard to stay outdoors too long. And once the winter night, the temperature will drop to about 0 degrees Celsius. In short, this is definitely not an area with a comfortable climate.


I work in Shaybah oil field where owns a lot of oil. This is a remote desert and it is not easy to obtain water resources. Not to mention in this oil field, in Saudi Arabia, we almost rely on imported food to supplement or Desalination for water.


Abundant oil is often a source of great wealth, so everyone aspires to extract more of it. Perhaps this has given many people dreams? I don’t know. But the reality is often not as good as imagined. Money is earned by entrepreneurs and the government. As an ordinary oil worker we can only work hard day in and day out to exploit.


If there's any advantage to living here, it's that at least I have this job to do until the oil is fully exploited.



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