

131 ban bans.py
> chat.ban_sender_chat(channel_id)


479 ban_sender_chat chat.py
> return self.bot.ban_chat_sender_chat(


130 decorator bot.py
> result = func(*args, **kwargs)


2454 ban_chat_sender_chat bot.py
> result = self._post('banChatSenderChat', data, timeout=timeout, api_kwargs=api_kwargs)


295 _post bot.py
> return self.request.post(


361 post request.py
> result = self._request_wrapper(


279 _request_wrapper request.py
> raise BadRequest(message)


555 process_update dispatcher.py
> handler.handle_update(update, self, check, context)


198 handle_update handler.py
> return self.callback(update, context)


29 anonymous_admin_callback anonymous.py
> return d["func"](update, context)


435 user_is_banhammer chat_status.py
> return func(update, context, *args, **kwargs)


30 log_action log_channel.py
> result = func(update, context, *args, **kwargs)


175 ban bans.py
> user_id or channel_id,

local variable 'user_id' referenced before assignment

An exception was raised while handling an update
User: 892423631
Chat: 🔥 EMERGING STUDENTS OF AM SIR🔥 -1001459411445
Callback data: None
Message: /BAN

Full Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\AllMightRobot\SaitamaRobot\modules\bans.py", line 131, in ban
File "e:\saitamarobot\env\lib\site-packages\telegram\chat.py", line 479, in ban_sender_chat
return self.bot.ban_chat_sender_chat(
File "e:\saitamarobot\env\lib\site-packages\telegram\bot.py", line 130, in decorator
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "e:\saitamarobot\env\lib\site-packages\telegram\bot.py", line 2454, in ban_chat_sender_chat
result = self._post('banChatSenderChat', data, timeout=timeout, api_kwargs=api_kwargs)
File "e:\saitamarobot\env\lib\site-packages\telegram\bot.py", line 295, in _post
return self.request.post(
File "e:\saitamarobot\env\lib\site-packages\telegram\utils\request.py", line 361, in post
result = self._request_wrapper(
File "e:\saitamarobot\env\lib\site-packages\telegram\utils\request.py", line 279, in _request_wrapper
raise BadRequest(message)
telegram.error.BadRequest: Participant_id_invalid

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "e:\saitamarobot\env\lib\site-packages\telegram\ext\dispatcher.py", line 555, in process_update
handler.handle_update(update, self, check, context)
File "e:\saitamarobot\env\lib\site-packages\telegram\ext\handler.py", line 198, in handle_update
return self.callback(update, context)
File "E:\AllMightRobot\SaitamaRobot\modules\helper_funcs\anonymous.py", line 29, in anonymous_admin_callback
return d["func"](update, context)
File "E:\AllMightRobot\SaitamaRobot\modules\helper_funcs\chat_status.py", line 435, in user_is_banhammer
return func(update, context, *args, **kwargs)
File "E:\AllMightRobot\SaitamaRobot\modules\log_channel.py", line 30, in log_action
result = func(update, context, *args, **kwargs)
File "E:\AllMightRobot\SaitamaRobot\modules\bans.py", line 175, in ban
user_id or channel_id,
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'user_id' referenced before assignment

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