


A half dozen people with a hammers pokers and whatever else was at hand the organs would have quickly suffered a shortage of officers and transports and not withstanding all of Stalin's thirst the cursed machine would have ground to a halt and here lies a lesson for us today if we don't love freedom enough and even more, we have no awareness. The real situation we purely and simply deserve everything that happened afterwards. let me not be said of us that we had a chance to prevent this manifest evil and it is a manifest evil. The loss of our republic is a manifest evil. Let it not be said that we did nothing that we accepted the lies of the corporate media and went about our daily business thinking that this too shall pass that. This is America things like what happened in Russia. Cannot happen here we hear Patriots all for he that stands here today is a patriot that we at least are doing something momentous so that at the end of our lives, we can at least say to our posterity and to our god that we did something we thought and if in fighting, we die so be it I for one would rather. Die on my feet that live on my knees. Amen. Thank you so I'm gonna close with this. I will therefore agree with and speak one word in truth that on November 3rd Donald J Trump, one of the most resounding reelection victory in history. And is in fact the dually elected president of the United States. Amen, Amen, and I will also say this that the Democrat candidate who's being forced upon us is nothing but a illegitimately rigged it office and not worthy of the office to which he is inserted by his globalist Masters. God bless America. God bless Donald J Trump and God bless you all. Alright folks, I don't know how to introduce Frank Gaffney, except to say that he is a friend and he is genuinely one of the greatest Patriots that I have ever met Mister Frank Gaffney well. I'd say he did a pretty good job of introducing me. Don't you. I wear a lot of hats today, I'm wearing for the first time a hat that says GAP. That stands for something new. In fact, you're being introduced to it for the first time and so is everyone else If I read this crowd right. You're not happy with where our country is today. You're not happy where the people who have been leading our political parties have taken us not the Marxist Democrats and not the establishment Republicans. So I'm here to suggest to you, ladies and gentlemen that it's time for something different. So GAP stands for Great America Party. And I'm gonna tell you why we are coming together in this place at this time and then a white. here is my and a better in showcasing the motive. The model the mental part. We're here for Great Americans like you to have a voice to be represented again as our founder. Envisioned you being represented and so the principle purpose of this Great America Party is to try once again to get back to the founding principles of this nation the belief that we are one nation under God. Conceived in Liberty with the rule of law applying equally to us all and made by those who represent us. We are not happy about the hijacking of this election are we. We're not happy that too many in the two main political parties of this country have simply failed to represent most of us. We have particularly unacceptable the idea that elites big t big business big governments will tell us we cannot speak any longer. If that's a clue for me, not speaking any longer, we got a couple of more minutes. We don't the indoctrination of our children by government schools. And we don't like the idea that the self appointed elites are going to dictate our future that are confirmed. Grace Jesus Christ We are gathered today as a Jericho march and we are encircling the city of man and we are imploring God in the city of God to bring us the victory and to give us the graces we need to bring about justice in our land in Proverbs chapter twenty-eight verse one we read the Wicked man fleet when no one pursue it, but the just bold as a lion shall be with. Out dread Today we ask for the grace of God to be bold as and to let a roar and we pray as the proverb says that the wicked man will flee greetings and grace and peace from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are gathered today as a Jericho and we are encircling the city of man and we are imploring God in the city of God to bring us the victory and to give us the graces we need to bring about justice in our land. In Proverbs chapter twenty-eight verse one we read the wicked man fleet when no one pursue it, but the just bold as a lion shall be with without dread today we ask for the grace of God to be bold as and to let forth a roar and we pray as the Proverbs says that the wicked man will flee the wicked will flee the cheaters will flee the fraudsters will flee the lying media will flee the abortionist will flee the guy. Haters will flee the corrupt politicians closing our churches will flee before the roar of the Lion of Judah. We stand as Lions, but we are united to the Lion of Judah as we see in the apocalypse, The book of Revelation chapter five, It reads there and one of the Ancients said to me we not behold the lion of Judah the root of David. Has prevailed to open the book and to lose the seven seals there of notice here that the prevailed is in past tense, it is already happened. The Lord Jesus Christ has prevailed by shedding his precious blood on the cross once and for all the victory has been established. Now we must unite ourselves through faith prayer. And repentance to his past victory and by our faith and by our love and by our hope we pray to bring that victory into this present moment and so now to bring about this victory that his kingdom would be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let us please join together by removing our hats and bowing our heads to pray together the Lord's prayer. In the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen, our father who art in heaven hallowed, be thy name Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and and lead not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Remember our Lord Jesus, Christ said. You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth so today in Washington, DC go out there and be salty. God bless God's speed Avenue, Maria and God bless the United States of America, Pauline grave. Hey, Alright. My name is Patrick Caring Braves and people. We're at war. This is war yes. Thank you we are at war and you better call it what it is people and I'm tired of calling these people out here demonstrators. They're not demonstrators that we've seen we've seen insurgents. That's what we've seen and it's time to stop it. Do you understand this is our battle cry. Amen and either we take it now and we stand as a word, says or we. For freedom, we stand for God we stand for country. We stand for Trump, ladies and gentlemen if we don't stand, we will kneel to the charity for the rest of our our lives and some of children and our grandchildren. and so it's time to stand. Do you hear me then stand. Amen, ladies and gentlemen I wanna hear a war cry. Yes. God bless America God bless America. Thank you sister folks to sell my privilege to introduce my friend, Faith McDonald, representing the Anglican church. go. Thank you very much. I'm an Anglican so I want to honor the passionate justice of William Wilber Force. I want to honor the courageous murder of archbishop from Uganda who was murdered by but I also grew up. In the Salvation Army, so I wanna honor the general of the Salvation Army, the founder William Booth, who wrote these words that I think we need to hear today because we are facing evil prophets like the prophets of bail and this is a song that has to do with that, says God of Elijah Hear our cry send the fire the fire will make us fit to live or die. Send the fire. See us you are waiting host Give us the promised Holy Ghost We want another Pentecost send the fire lord Father God. We praise you. We bless you. We adore you lord and we ask that you would send the fire of your Holy spirit on this nation. God that the altars that have been built that are of sin of Satan of demonic things would be taken down and that the altar that we lay before you with our lives. That you would bless him with the fire of your holy spirit even now Lord send the fire bring revival to this nation and to the world in Jesus name. Amen Hallelujah folks my privilege to introduce somebody many of you already know Abby Johnson. Hello Patriots as a woman who once ran a Planned Parenthood abortion facility and helped to kill over 22000 babies and has now been redeemed by the power of Jesus Christ. I'm here to stand and to defend the most pro-life president we have ever had in our nation's history President Donald Trump. And I'm here to speak to you on behalf of the pro-life movement. I'm here to demand justice for the more than 60000000 innocent babies who have been ripped apart in their mother's wombs in the name of choice since Roe v Wade yesterday a tweeted that we needed to abolish the death penalty. Well, I tell you what how about. Focus on abolishing abortion first How about we focus on protecting the innocent first then we'll look at protecting the guilty. In March I watched as Christians rolled over as the government told them that they could no longer worship in our churches. Meanwhile, abortion facilities remained open killing 24. 2400 innocent babies every single day in our Christian leaders allowed the government to force them to. Their constitutional rights and the craziest thing is they did it. But I'm here to proclaim today we will not do it again. We will not art, we will not allow our leaders to close our houses of worship again we will stand up, we will fight back and we will protect our constitutional rights. And let me tell you something no matter what happens on January 20th, I can tell you one thing right now. Joe Biden will never be my president. Amen. And I will spend every day of his fake presidency fighting against him and his radical anti life. anti God and anti family policies. But you know what. I don't believe that's gonna happen. Because I believe that President Donald Trump will be our president for four more years. I am tired of spineless politicians, I am tired of spineless judges. I am tired of cowardly conservatives who know the truth, but refused to speak the truth publicly. I will not be the silent majority any longer. And I am really tired of spineless clergy and religious leaders who continue to stand on ungodly principles. I'm tired of clergy who are leading their people astray by condoning evil acts of abortion and the pope Please stop calling Joe Biden. Can the pope please speak up and say something about the legalization of abortion in his home country of Argentina? In Georgia, we have a man named Rafael War running for Senate calls himself a pastor. But stands against everything God call holy. It is enough guys. it is have you had enough. Amen I have had enough but do not be discouraged because Matthew 1026 says it best but do not be afraid of those who threaten you for the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed and all. Secret will be known will be made known to all everything will be made known and until then keep fighting. God bless you Patriots. God bless you folks a very special story from Pennsylvania Natalia and Little Bobby come on out Bobby. How y'all doing do we do We love our country? Are we gonna fight for our republic? Fantastic Are we gonna fight for life? I'll guarantee you. We love our country. We love our president. We love our family and we will not be a socialist country ever okay. Wanna get down to business here this young lady standing beside me I met her at a rally that I was hoping I was actually doing the sound for in Harrisburg now normally after I do a rally, I'm in a hurry to get out of there. so I gather up all my speakers and everything well that day that Day Day II playing with some microphones and I was singing into it and uh this young lady's father came up to me and he asked me if his daughter could have a few minutes on the mic now normally I would say no cuz I'm a grizzly old fart but. Day I felt a presence I felt a calmness that I normally do not feel how many of you have ever felt the presence of the Lord. I've felt in about four times in my life and I can tell you it's real God is real. We not only believes we know and we walk in faith so this young lady I turn around and she's smiling at me like she's smiling right now I handed on the microphone now people folks. I'm a construction worker. Okay. I'm heading off the side of buildings and put glass in I grew up on a farm, My brothers and I have two brothers, our hobby was beaten the crap out of each other. okay. That was what we did for fun. So. I hit my house with Pennsylvania call. I'm so my wife was upset with me, I bought a forty ton log splitter, I said baby it splits everything so that's who I am this young lady opened her voice and she brought tears to my eyes. So I'm gonna this is this is Natalia Sasha Carpenter folks. She's gonna tell you the song and then she's gonna tell you her story. This young lady is why after she's saying, and she told me her story afterwards it became my mission to put this young lady in front of as many people as possible within 2 weeks after I met her, I introduced her to Ted Nugent and Donald Trump junior. Behind the scenes, we're gonna take it away girl. I'm just so thankful to be here in front of you all today. My name is Sasha I survived an abortion and was born at 27 weeks in the Russian federation just coming out of the Soviet Union. I was then placed in an orphanage in iliana the birthplace of Lennon and God plucked me out of that orphanage as my dad says for a reason. My family has a non-profit organization We work with orphans and families and children around the world. I have nine special needs sisters also all adopted from different countries so when people come to me and tell me, Trump is a racist, Trump doesn't like people with disabilities, I tell them no that's not my president, He loves life, He loves our lord and he has fought for this country and so now we must stand as we have been sending today and roar and fight for him and for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. In And I will sing now the ironic benediction. May the lord may the lord bless and keep you may his grace and his face shine upon you may the lord lift up his continents upon you and give you peace and give you peace. This is the way May his grace and his face shine. May the lord lift up his continents upon you and give you peace and give you peace and give you peace and give you peace. God bless. Folks in case you're wondering this is not about Donald Trump as much as I love him. It's not even about America as much as I love her. This is about the Lord of Heaven and Earth who cares about this president and this country in just a moment we're gonna get a video from my dear friend Dennis Prager before that Yvonne has 100. 100. 104 seconds Yvonne Take it away. I can't believe that left me. Out here but here I am my name is Yvonne Flores semen and I'm the president and founder of a new movement called taking back our power protectors of Women's equal rights Last April I saw the cover of the Rolling Stones magazine with Nancy Pelosi, Omar Harris and O and a and these were the women representing us. These were the women speaking for us and I just thought to myself. Oh no you. Conservative women need to have a platform and need to have a voice. There are issues that have been plaguing women across this nation since the beginning of time an abortion is definitely one of them and as opposed to board of women that has been in the clinic at Planned Parenthood between the ages of sixteen and 25 as a Hispanic woman because Planned Parenthood praise in our communities, I grew up in Chicago. I know the democratic party and I know them well, I know their message in their messages, every four years, they throw crape at us and they tell us that the white man is an evil man and this country is racist. Well, that was true. Then a white woman would not have been able to give birth to a black man who was raised by his white grandparents. Who taught him life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. One to I Prep schools went to League universities and became the president of the United States, not once, but twice proving that America is not a racist country. Join with me as women and let's be a voice, let's be a voice for the unborn child women have been devastated by abortion emotionally physically psychologically and spiritually. join our movement taking back our power.org women get involved. My time is up. God bless you all God bless you Yvonne. Here's the video. Dennis Prager. I can't join you as a woman, but I know what you mean. Thank you Yvonne and now my friend Dennis. Hello everybody. It's an honor to be with you. I wish I was with you in person. The battle in America looks political, but it is fundamentally religious. It is leftism versus Judeo-Christian values leftism not liberalism most traditional liberals were either religious Christians or Jews, or at least honored the religious foundations of America. but leftism from the French revolution to call marks to communism has always hated. Because it knows only one institution can keep keep it from totalitarian goals and that is religious Jews, religious Christians and specifically Christianity. Let me share with you a biblical insight that explains our times in the opening chapter of Genesis, the word Barra created is used only three times to describe God's creating the world the animals and the human being so what did God do? The rest of the time the answer lies in the second verse of the Bible and the earth was chaos The natural state of the world is chaos So what did God do during the 6 days of creation he made order out of chaos? What does this have to do with the left? The aim of the left is a revision to a world without God, which means a world of chaos. Think about it. Forcing people to say men give birth is chaos schools having drag queen Story hour for 5 year olds is chaos not prosecuting criminals who steal under $900 worth of items and not prosecuting people who trespass on private property or resist arrest is chaos Defunding police is more and more Americans are shot stabbed and murdered is chaos. Having to walk around human fecal matter and use needles on downtown sidewalks is chaos National Public Radio just featured the author of a book titled in Defense of Eluding in Defense of Looting. Is chaos Jews and Christians, Conservatives and Liberals build the left only destroys it destroys everything it touches Art music Journalism science colleges, High schools elementary schools, late-night comedy football basketball baseball marriage and family Lincoln Washington Everything. And now America itself you're gathered here to save America the last best hope of earth because you know as I know it can't be done without the Bible and without the God of the Bible. So God bless you and God bless our troubled country. Aloha. My name is Jason Jones from the Great State of Hawaii. You thought our senator was dumb and then you met our governor as we say in Hawaii, This is my buddy Prime Minister elect of Chinese occupied East Pakistan, where the CP has 3000000 Wes in concentration camps. People ask me if I have hope nothing is gonna take away. My hope nothing can take away our hope we are the most. Privileged people in the world we live in a country founded on a vision of the human person the only country in the history of the world founded on a vision, and what is that vision that each and everyone of us has made in the image image and likeness of God and have an dignity, beauty and worth there have been three great denials of that principle that have divided this country, The first slavery then segregation and then abortion all three of those brut. Denials have something in common they were central planks of the Democrat party if we wanna be unified going forward, we have to for the first time in our nation's history, live out that beautiful aspiration that is embedded in the declaration of independence and protected by the Constitution The key to our unity is full legal protection for the child in the womb for the violence of abortion. First, we CC virus, then we had the CC election. It is either us or the CC. Do I have hope I do have hope but what I'm most worried about is the plight of the weaker there there are already satellite images that China hopeful that Biden will be president is building building Crematory outside of those concentration camps. We have to make sure this election is stolen, not only for our posterity but for the vulnerable around the world now my good friend the prime. Alex uh Sally from East Tusan wants to share something with you God bless America. Viva Someday people are gonna ask me where were you when you come to the greatest country in the world was was stolen by politicians and I don't wanna say that I sit at home watching on TV and doing nothing. Look at how big this is is the biggest rally I have ever seen for Trump. We're gonna make our voices. We're gonna protect this president. What they do not realize is that we are here and we will stand up and fight. Stand together as proud Patriots who deeply love our country people are already in this country where circling the walls of Jericho. This is our battle. This is our fight. This is for our freedom We lose freedom here. there is no place to escape to this is the last stand on Earth. Good afternoon Patriots. My name is Daniel I was with a back in 2018 when we started stop the steel in a little place called Broward County, Florida. I have to say I've had the absolute honor of my life being on the ground with so many of you over the last month and a half we have flown all over the country together from Carson City, Nevada to Atlanta, Georgia, and I have to say never in my life. Have I been more inspired by a movement you all who are here today represent the absolute very best of America and you have every reason to be proud what we've witnessed over the past month is nothing short of a. Invasion the same party that manufactured a fake scandal with the Russia hoax the same party that spy on conservatives and tried to jail an American hero named Michael Flynn. Yes, that party, the Democrat party is trying to steal this election but let me tell you when I look out over a crowd like this. My heart is full of hope because I see Americans rising up people of every demographic who are refusing to back down. You are all. Who are stepping up and doing what the RC and the Washington elites will not fight for our President Donald J Trump. So don't listen to the fake news or the Washington elites because the fight isn't over. actually, it's just getting started. We are going to make our country great again, We will protect our families, We will protect our votes and we will stop the still stop stop stop. steel. wait a minute. What's steel? What are you talking about? Hey folks? Do you know who Cindy Jacobs is We've got a video from her. She is an amazing prophet of God. Listen to her now please. Wanna give you greetings and doctor Cindy Jacobs This isn't a time where the body of Christ is really rising up and taking the Jericho challenge and I know that God is also an anointing to take our promised land, meaning that God wants to do something great in the United States greater than we've ever seen. Uh we know a great awakening is coming The great revival, The fact is we met with the. Group of profits Earlier this year, we spoke of something called the Glory Awakening and the Lord also gave us us a prophetic subsequently that um a theme for this 21 would be the stand that God was calling us to be resolute in taking a stand from Ephesians 613, where it says having done all the stand and so I thank God for all of you that the lord is using to pray and stand to do Jericho marches, we know. All of us know that the Jericho marches pull down the giants and so I wanted just to pray together and let's believe that we are anointed to deal with corruption. We are anointed to bring change so in the name of Jesus father, we thank you right now for an anointing being released right now and anointing that every place that uh soul of of our will go that we're gonna bring change. We're going to uh pull down the power of the strong man that to the. Of abortion, the strong man is trying to of corruption is trying to take our nation so father we just pray for that I thank you and I bless you and then the name of Jesus Bye. God bless Amen folks. We have the honor of Stuart Rhodes with oath keepers Stuart taking away. Thank you. My brothers and sisters out there who have swore the oath to support and defend the constitution Military police firefighters raise your hands. You swore that oath. when is that oath expire when you do as long as you're here on the side of the grass, you have a duty responsibility to honor that oath to defend the constitution as a founders intended who else swore that oath your commander. Chiefs were the same oath President Trump has been betrayed at every step of the way the founders in their wisdom gave him a tremendous power as president and the commander in chief He needs to use that now he needs to invoke the act and suppress this insurrection. He needs to realize we are already at war with China and their proxies here inside the United States the traders like Joe Biden, their puppet is about to be installed to stop them. He has absolute authority to declassify any file held by the Cia The FB the NSA. He's an order so calm go seize all the files. The databases and he's a free Julian and put him in charge of doing a data dump to display all of you all the skeletons out of the closet into the streets show the world who the traders are and then use the interaction Act to drop the hammer on them and all of us better to swore that oath until you're age 65, you can be called up as the militia. To support and defend the constitution, he needs to know from you that you are with him that he does not do it now while he is commander-in-chief, we're going to have to do it ourselves later in a much more desperate much more bloody war, let's get it on now while he is still the commander in chief who. Uh oh god bless you. this guy is keeping it real folks. I thought we'd bring a little music, Marion Marion is going. I got that right. Mary Ann Marian is gonna sing a song that she wrote, called Miracle in America. Amen. God bless all of you and thank you for coming today. This song is based on Second Chronicle, 714 This is if my people will turn from their wicked. Ways and to fall down and to seek God, he said he'll heal our land and I believe he's gonna do that. so I believe we are gonna have a miracle in America. Do you believe that alright? Need a miracle in America is plain to see the storm clouds in the miracle in so let's pray now to God. we need a miracle in America let's fall down on knees We need a miracle in America God use us when we. Me. Our prayers repent of our sins. Heal our nation as we. America and we need it today. And Oh, He hasn't seen his. We need a. We need your spirit. We need your guidance. I was amazing, they didn't tell me you were good That was that was great. praise God uh in a moment we have a video from father Frank Pavone of priest for life. that man is a hero uh and before that we're gonna hear from my dear friend Lance Wall now yes, exactly uh but before that they asked me to remind you uh that somebody uh left your lights on in the parking lot. I don't know who that is um no I wanna. You to go to your phone if you don't mind and text Jericho to 84576 uh a lot of people put a lot of money out to make this happen. It's more expensive than it should be anything you can do would be appreciated and twice that much would be even more appreciated That was a joke. I know it's it's tough. It's cold. We all wanna go home. It's uh Jared. To 84576 and now my dear friend Lance Wall now God bless you my friend. Well, listen, this is probably one of the most important days we'll ever have in Washington, the first day of Donald Trump's presidency I had flown in a friend of mine was kind enough to get a limousine because my wife had to have some hip surgery. We had gotten out of the limousine walked into a building and some friends of mine said. Hey, Lance isn't that your limo and I turned and there was CN and Antifa had bombed the limo and there it was in flames literally walked out. Like a couple of seconds and came out and said my gosh, that's my limbo. I checked on my driver. My driver was alright, I knew then that this was going to be a spiritual presidency. I also knew that people like you were gonna come out of the uh the let's say the um the shadows we were gonna come out of. I won't say hiding because we were never hiding. We just weren't as engaged as we become since Donald Trump became president and I believe it's. Important Right now, I'm from Texas, I just flew in from Dallas I had such expectation of Texas being able to prevail with the Supreme Court and I'm turning around now and I'm saying what has happened in this country, The Department of Justice is dysfunctional The Supreme Court isn't functioning the uh we know that the election was stolen and now we're sitting at the media shutdown all kinds of information on our body. We thought that the FB has had information they did disclose what I'm telling you is your. Instinct either be to go apocalyptic and think oh my God. It's the end of Christ rising and we're America's gonna take it over or your instinct might be to get discouraged because the miracle prayer didn't get answered the way you thought it would what I'm here to tell you is you're the privileged generation that is called to endure the contradiction along with Donald Trump and see America restored this is not a weak movement. This is the beginning of a Christian populous uprising. There is. A backlash coming we're gonna continue to build this as a ground swell from now till 22, You will be on the news they will not be able to ignore you. there is something right now and it's remember this as a Christian be uh be angry but sin not it's possible to be provoked and to be righteous and to not be sin at the same time because we've got a whole lot of dysfunctional preachers out there that don't understand the nature of what is really happening. Prophetically there. Really shepherds that are asleep at the switch and you're gonna

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