


awas aja kalau dijawabnya kaya semalem, aku begal.

engga sih aku bercanda doang.

first i'm writing this to tell you that i love you. you're my first thought in the morning and i hold you in my last breath in the evening. i need you more and more each day, like an addiction of some sort, an addicted to love i guess.

ay mau nulis gak? nulis disini

kalau mau aku langsung gas ngenggg...

ini aku random aja sih, inti dari semua ini adalah

suddenly all the love songs were about you.

oh iyaa sama jawab pertanyaan kamu yg ini, eh bukan pertanyaan deng tapi pernyataan mungkin ya (?)

me : i'll wait for you because i dont want anyone else.

ay tau gak?

arez : gatau

okee makasih, ini aku cuma mau ngasih tau

like a lot
until arez make my world so perfect.

arez why can't you just magically pop into my room with me and just cuddle for the rest of the night and we share kiss together until we're fall asleep?

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