


በማህበራዊ ሜዲያ የህወሃትን አደገኝነት በማሳወቅ ሐገር እናድን!

ትዊተር ያላችሁ የሚከተሉትን መልእክቶች አስተላለፉ፡፡ የተጠቀሱትን ሃሽታጎች ተጠቀሙ፡፡ ሞዲፋይ ማድረግ ካስፈለገም ሞዲፋይ ማድረግ ይቻላል፡፡ ተጨማሪ ሃሳብ ያላችሁ ብታጋሩኝ ደግሞ ደስ ይለኛል፡፡ ትዊተር የሌላችሁ ትዊተር በመክፈት የዘመቻው አካል ይሁኑ፡፡ ከአራቱ መልእክቶች መምረጥ ወይንም አራቱንም ተራ በተራ ትዊት ማድረግ፡፡

1. TPLF massacred Innocents in May Kadra, destroyed infrastructures.


2. TPLF is using Innocent People as a Human Shield, they have to be stopped.


3. Ethiopia deserves Justice, stand with the people not with perpetrators.


4. TPLF has proved to be a threat to HoA, bring them to Justice, bring us our Peace.

Some of the people to tag;

@hrw @_AfricanUnion @UN @EUinEthiopia @EUtoAU @USEmbassyAddis @SecPompeo @SpeakerPelosi @mfaethiopia @CNN @CNNAfrica


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