


Rui, Luna, Saki I've been using that name for a long time but if you want to call me by another name, that's fine. She/they are my pronouns. zodiac; [I can't believe that tbh] and I'm from Indonesia. i use two or more languages, mostly English and Indonesian. 

things i like are math, spicy foods, rhythm games.

things i dont like are toxic people.

fandoms: bandori, prosekai, enstars

#BYS: i'm a oversimp about Murr, genzuki, Rui k, rikka, chiho, mafumafu. Also in this channel I will post about manwha, manga [kinda spoilers Ig] so if you don't like spoilers you don't need to see anything on my channel or you can skip my channel. 

#DSI: I don't like people who can't joke around [too serious with jokes] and hate people who like to cause trouble. pedophile, racism, lgbtqphobic, all-religionphobic, anti of everything i like.

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