one With the Wind deserves the label epic it present enough detail to be a facsimile on reality.
*Given below as a screen shot*

Activity 8: Project (Textbook Page no. 33)

Prepare a class magazine including stories, poems, anecdotes, reviews of prose and poems, etc.
Organise a Film Festival on women. Include films with strong women characters and films by women film makers. Prepare a report of the Film Festival for your school magazine.
Report of the Female Film Festival -2016 The Film Club of ABC School organised a film festival featuring women filmmakers and artists in September, this year. The festival continued to the third day, after students requested the authorities to extend the programme. On the first day, 8th September, the movie ‘Liar’s Dice by Geetu Mohandas was screened followed by “Manjadikuru’ by Anjali Menon and ‘Panthibojanam’, a short movie by Sreebala K Menon.

The afternoon session consisted of interactive session between the students and eminent theatre artists. The second day saw the screening of ‘Salaam Bombay’ by Mira Nair and ‘English Vinglish’ by Gauri Shinde. The film’s narrative revolves around a housewife who enrolls in an English-speaking course to stop her husband and daughter mocking her lack of English skills and gains self-respect in the process. All of the movies mentioned above were eye-openers for the students and other spectators and made them realise the importance of women in the society. The festival marked its success when it was extended to the third day on request. The day mainly consisted of various interactive sessions and workshops on movie-making, On the whole the programme was a great experience.

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