

✨ New to Vegeta bot?
🤖 Here is a Basic Vegeta Configuration Checklist:

🦠 First and foremost use /sanitize to clean yourself before you proceed.

Enable welcome security, soft or strong.
/welcomemute strong
Note: Permanent mutes a user until they press a button within 120seconds, most bots will get stuck here and get auto-kicked before they can waste your time.
Soft restricts them to text only for 24hours after joining.

Protect accidental contact leakage
/lock contact

Stop letting users add bots (Ideally, disable the "Add Users" permission in group settings)
/lock bots

Private group? Worried about invite links?
/disable invitelink

Lock forwarding stuff into the group
/disable forward

Private group? Avoid users kicking themselves by mistake
/disable punchme

Users/Spammers flooding non-stop? (Adjust the number to your needs)
/setflood 7
Set what to do when flood control happens using
/setfloodmode mute/ban/tmute
Example: /setfloodmode tmute 15m

Don't want some Vegeta commands enabled in group?
/listcmds and then use /disable namehere
/listmodules and /disablemodule namehere
Note: if this conflicts with any other bot in group then use /disable@Vegeta to send that message only to Vegeta.

Want to auto warn users when they say specific stuff?
See warns > /addwarn command help

Don't like some words to be spoken in group? Blacklist them using
/addblacklist word1
"entire sentence here"
Note: You can use "quotes for" if there is a sentence and not a word.

Don't want to explain to each newbie? Setup rules!
Awesome Rules here

Don't want our awesome random welcome messages? Use a custom one using
/setwelcome Hi, welcome to my group
Note: This command has more stuff you can use, see /welcomehelp first.

Have multiple groups to handle? Setup Federations!
Read help for this, this has a bit of a learning curve.

Enable reporting so that your users can report troublemakers to admins.
/reports on
Note: Send in group to enable group reports and send in Vegeta's pm so that he will report any enabled group to Your pm.

Want to track which of your admins did what? Who banned who? Who joined?
Setup a log channel, see help for instructions.

Lastly, most of these would apply to almost any Vegeta like bot, please do spread the word around for basic chat control and protect yourself from spammers/scammers and troublemakers.

Need help? Contact @Danny004

Report Page