Music Command List
Music Bot

Hello, Welcome to Music's

Users Commands:

/start -> Information About the Bot..

/help -> Help Commands for Bot..

/play -> By specifying the song title (e.g. /play At my worst) you will get a result list, by selecting the respective number, the bot will automatically start the playback.

/current -> Get the current playing music in chat.

/queue -> Get the next music to be played in chat.

/dashboard -> Get the access to the dashboard.

/blacklisted -> Check blacklisted Chats for Bot.

/karma -> (A fun module inside Bot! ) Use upvote keywords like "+", "+1", "thanks" etc to upvote a message. Use downvote keywords like "-", "-1", etc to downvote a message. Reply to a message with /karma to check a user's karma. Send /karma without replying to any message to check karma list of top 10 user.

/speedtest -> Check the Latency of Music Servers.

/ping -> Check whether bot is alive or not.

Admin Commands:

/pause -> It will pause the song which is being played.

/resume -> It will resume the song that was in pause.

/leave -> The userbot will leave the voice chat.

/skip -> It will pass to the next song.

/force -> Use force button when queue is dead to skip or end voice chat.

Sudo Users Commands:

/clean -> Clears temp(s) files.

/restartmusic -> Restarts Music.

/block -> Block a user from using Yukki.

/unblock -> Unblock User who is blocked from using Music.

/eval or /sh -> Get the ultimate access of Music.

/joinassistant -> Assistant will join a chat group.

/leavebot -> MusicBot will leave the chat group given.

/leaveassistant -> Assistant will leave the chat group given.

/blacklistchat -> Blacklist a chat from using music.

/whitelistchat -> Whitelist a chat.

/karmaon or /karmaoff -> Enables or Disables the Karma Function.

/speedteston or /speedtestoff -> Enables or Disables the Speedtest Function.

/update -> Updates Music.

/broadcast -> Broadcast a message in all the served chats of music.

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