


Hello Rodér

maybe but you've seen at the beginning what is the meaning of this, honestly, if you're still confused about what it means, I want to reveal it or what can I say to confess to you? I'm really sorry if this feels weird when you read or cringee, jwjwjjwnw I'm trying my best. okey so the first one Rodér JWJAJWJANA what is it, so I want to be honest about my feelings for you, yes you are. When you ask "Do you like Haidar?" No no, I honestly like you. jwjajejqjjwjwbwkqkqkqnaiid, If you say why not from the beginning, there you are in the same position with Peter, yes when I like you, you had a lot of people who liked you and chose to stay silent & we are different, I like you, you can like other people & when you said about haidar, maybe I'm a little jealous of Haidar? It's wrong that I like you, if you know you're different from me + you don't have feelings for me, that's why when you say "Why do you keep holding on, how do you want to get a partner?" Yes, because if you tell me it's even better, but maybe this I'm trying to be brave with you, even though I already know how you feel about me..It's okay if you don't like me back and you have feelings for other people, to be honest it's okay because that's your right, even if it's spelled jsjiwjjsjwjwjw. Maybe if you don't like me, I can try to make you have feelings for me? Eh, it just fell, I didn't know, WJWJJWJW, idk weird weird weird.

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