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Infidel Apostate

During a public appearance three months after 9/11, and on at least two subsequent occasions, President George W. Bush Jr. claimed to have seen the first plane impact before entering the classroom in Florida.

World Trade Center on fire, seconds before "collapse"

▶️ George Bush caught LYING about 9/11

These clips were recorded live from my PC's video card with integrated TV tuner the morning of September 11, 2001 as history unfolded.  Poor quality analog 'rabbit ear' reception was the best I could achieve, but note the time stamps on the files themselves. 


8:23am PST September 11, 2001

9/11 time stamped recordings (Pacific Standard Time)

During (sorry Telegraph glitched, can't remove this word)

8:27am September 11, 2001
8:32am PST September 11, 2001

▶️ Part 4

The French Naudet brothers were shooting a documentary on NYFD that morning & were the only ones known to have captured the first plane impact. Due to difficulty extracting themselves from the wrecked World Trade Center complex, their footage did not reach the networks for many hours. The first network airing on ABC, showing the initial plane crash, was not broadcast on television until early the next day, at 1:46am (PST) Sept 12th, over sixteen hours later.  Three minutes later at 1:49am Fox News broadcast the video & both news readers stated this was the first time seeing the tape.

▶️ ABC 1:46am Sept 12

▶️ Fox News 1:49am Sept 12

The teacher at Emma E. Booker Elementary in Sarasota, Florida has since stated that not only was there no TV outside or inside her classroom, her school didn't even own a TV on 9/11. 

Was Bush lying that morning (and afterwards) or did he let the Truth slip out that he really did see that first plane impact before anyone else, and if so, how did he get an exclusive view? (Which scenario is worse, lying or inside info?)

CIA asset & whistleblower Susan Lindauer (author, Extreme Prejudice) has alleged that a Mossad-asset couple were on-site to video record the first impact and rush the video to White House sources before the Booker Elementary appearance. Did "W" see this footage?

▶️ Fourteen 9/11 video clips (~40min) & lots more here

When I initially composed this ten years ago, all three Bush Jr. appearances were still on YouTube, where Dumbya, in his typically jovial attitude, said

"I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower, the TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself, and I said 'There's one terrible pilot. It must have been a horrible accident.' "

[Side note: he probably flew himself in notorious CIA cocaine smuggler Barry Seal's King Air 200 he came to own, according to Daniel Hopsicker's Barry & the Boys.]

Diplomatic liaison Susan Lindauer's comments about the 9/11 first plane impact video, excerpted from her book Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq: 

"Most intelligence teams would have concluded that airplanes alone could not bring down the Towers. If the goal was maximum destruction, it would require some help. And don’t forget there was six months of advance time to plan a “cover and deception” operation that would exploit the airplane hijackings, as a false flag to complete the job. 
That’s how it happened. 
Many times I’ve been questioned about Dr. Fuisz’s other sources, who fed him intelligence before the attack. Truthfully, he never revealed them to me. 
But I have guessed. Shortly after the first tower collapsed—but before the second tower collapsed, Dr.Fuisz [her CIA handler] blurted something to me over the phone. It regarded the videotape of the first hijacked airplane flying over the Manhattan harbor moments before ramming full force into the World Trade Center. The video camera was held by steady hands in a controlled setting, not whipped around by an amateur bystander, responding hysterically to surprising, fast breaking events. 
Dr. Fuisz demanded to know if I thought it was “an accident that a man and woman happened to be waiting on the sidewalk with a video camera, ready to record the attack?” 
He was highly agitated. 
“How often does a bystander have a camera cued up to record a car accident on the street? It never happens, Susan. It never happens.” He challenged me. 
Then Dr. Fuisz said, “Those are Israeli agents. It’s not an accident that they were standing there. They knew this attack was coming. They were waiting for it all morning.” 
In my grief, I was outraged and shocked by the images on television. I shot back something to the effect of— 
“You mean to tell me, we’ve been looking for intelligence on this attack for months! And Israel knew the whole time? And they didn’t tell us?” I was madder than hell. 
Immediately the phone line cut dead between us. I called him right back. 
Very calmly, he said, “Susan, we must never talk about that again.” 
We never did. But it prompts serious questions. Did the Israelis fail to warn us? Or did Israel provide a broad outline of the attack, but withhold crucial details that would have empowered the CIA to defeat it? 
Or did White House officials ignore Israel’s warnings like they ignored everybody else? Dr. Fuisz gave no hint. 
A couple of details are worth noting, however. Dr. Fuisz was knowledgeable about the team’s intelligence identities and the existence of the videotape about 24 hours before the corporate media started broadcasting footage of airplanes striking the Towers, on September 12. 
Now, Dr. Fuisz enjoyed absolute superiority in his intelligence sources. But this video must have been distributed to the top echelons of U.S. Intelligence with lightning speed to become available so quickly—before the second Tower collapsed. That would signify the video was filmed by a friendly Intelligence Agency like the Mossad. Only somebody with top access inside the CIA could pull that off so rapidly. 
That also explains the extraordinary remarks by President Bush— how he saw footage of the first airplane crashing into the Towers before he entered the classroom in Florida. Bush guffawed that he thought the pilot was lousy. The second plane crashed into the World Trade Center while President Bush was reading to the children. My own cousin, Andy Card, whispered in his ear, when the second crash happened. 
Is that significant? I could be wrong. But I would say it’s huge. 
Obviously President Bush saw video of the first airplane crashing into the Towers. And so did Dr. Fuisz. It was filmed by the Mossad— which enraged us both. I am convinced the White House spiked the video’s release, realizing that our reaction would be universal. At warp speed, Americans would know that our ally, Israel had advance knowledge about 9/11—Or worse. 
So why the hell didn’t they speak up?" 

Finding the unexpurgated Bush press conferences today in 2021 is an excercise in frustration after another decade of the Ministry of Information's diligent Truth Scrubbing efforts have effectively crippled their own product, as Alphabet Inc./Google/YouTube search results are only presenting mainstream media sources on the topic of 9/11 today, the 20th Anniversary.

Sept. 11, 2001 - Sept. 11, 2021
The Second Decade of Lies 

Demand Truth, Demand Action. 

Reopen the 9/11 Investigation 

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