h e y c α p t α i n!

D- dadda beluang! This is your personal reminder come agaaaaain.

Hing, this paw is missing you . . ! (。•́︿•̀。) i asked for haggu but you didn't listen and gave it. ughㅡ me is sad! Me is angerrrry, hung! I won't ask for a hug again. 😤😤😤

Today there is a lot of thing that we have been doing, right . . ? ! Did you happy, eung ? I hope y–yees. . because i'm happy spending my day with yooooou! whoo-whoo! 😹✊🏻

first of all, i'm rweaaaally thank you because you give your time to me, its mean a lot to me! eung. . sampai kamunya ngaa ngerjain keljaannya, yaa. . ? eum, m-maaf (。•́︿•̀。)

Now the night its already come ;;____;;

It's time to sleep! butㅡ ugh i can't sleep, hueeeeeeee  

Hope the moon can guid your sleep shooo d- dadda can get a nice dream! and have a sleep tight! 

Aa- aang! Tadi aku nya lupa nih mau nanyain ini ke kamu, mau spam tapi takut ganggu booboo. 

How's your day . . ? are you happy todaaay ? ! uhm, i have dadda have a nice day! ☀ i knoo you've done a lot of activities today, which make your body feel tired. ungㅡ dadda capek banget yaa ? Mau peyuk. . ? (。•́︿•̀。) 

ih engaa! engaa jadi! αthea kan lagi marah ngaa mau minta peyuk-peyuk sama d-dadda, hng! 😤👊

awkay soo pwease take care of your health 💓. You did well todaaaay! One mwore! I hope you are always given happiness! because whaaat ?! ung! you rweally deserve to be happy! don't feel sad and hopeless mm`hn. . ? paw-paw nya ikut seedih kalau kamu ngerasa kayak gitu, heung. . 

pokoknyaa jangan gitu, yaa ? ! ngaa bolee sedih-sedih. ganteng nya aku harus seneng-seneeeeng! Ay ay captain ? Ay ay! 😾

If you feel sad and hopeless remembeeeeer!! you are a strong dan great person! And there are still many many peppo around who loves you. Mm-mm! apalagi si cantik ini, nih! αααααtheaaa! αthea whooofs kookoo bear-ry much! (,,>᎑<,,)

good night aaaand have a good rest, dadda! 😝💛💛💛

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