

Fixed some bugs, some related to themes, some in other parts (like Lockscreen cover art)
* Added LiveDisplay support
* Updated system recording to remove any restriction
* Clipboard access toast
* Added more theming elements
(NOTE: in that theme elements, we also brought up Shishu Themes, excepting 2. Sorry but cosmos and protostar were too cringe)
* Added POSP volume panels (Compact, Oreo and that)
* Added pulse
* Removed any reference to based department because we were posting cringe
* Live Volume Steps
* Notif Counters
* Custom carrier stuff
* Logos in statusbar
* New VoLTE icon, made it smaller because of notch limitations
* QS Tile Styles are back
* App network restrictions
* Toggle for qs brightness arrows
* Header offset and QS Header styles
* New ringtone and alarm sounds made by @ElDainosor
* And maybe more

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