

With love from Kaziho Diazerd for you, Bara Adiyaksa.

Hello love? would you be willing to read this text for the time you would spend as an incredible moment as my beloved reader? I poured every single word into this beautiful writing. I hope you read all of this text solemnly.

Bara jujur, awalnya aku nggak nyangka kalo pertemuan awal kita bisa berubah menjadi perasaan yang semakin lama semakin tumbuh jadi benih cinta. Oh God, sorry for being cheesy. But, it truly burns my soul to always treat you well.

Aku bener bener beruntung bisa ketemu dan kenal sama kamu bahkan kita bisa jadi sedekat ini. We talk about an amount, from A to Z. We're even debating a bunch of things. Until I finally realized I was comfortable and fall in love with you. I felt like a teenager in love, it feels so good to get to know you more. and ya having found a man who I can call whenever I need company while feeling disoriented has made me feel relieved.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, your rants, your days, and what you do on a daily basis. Thank you for sticking by me and being patient with me despite all of my childish behavior that may have made you ill in the past. However, please accept my apologies. Thank you for always encouraging me to be a better version of myself.

"I'm in love with you on every level: mentally, physically, and emotionally."

Never in my life have I had the slightest inkling that I didn't appreciate your efforts in any way, shape, or form. You're the sweetest, most mature, most caring, the coolest, and the kindest person I've ever known in my entire life, and I'm grateful for that.

Maka dari itu, I want you to be my whole property. Aku mau kamu jadi propertiku seutuhnya, aku mau kamu jadi Kaziho's or Daniel (for you only). Hence, no one can talk abundant text and argue things with you and then end up comfortable with the thing you do. I just want to, I'm the one who can feel that comfort.

I want you to be mine, will you be mine?

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