

Hi. I can't sleep and I don't know you're sleep yet, but listen to me right quick, okay. I love you, first of all. I cherish you. I adore you. I'm happy to be with you. I'm grateful to be with you. Know that no matter what comes our way, I will never stop loving you.
You give me feelings that nobody has ever given me. Everything turns positive and I can just laugh with you.
I could be anywhere in the world, but as long as I'm with you I know I'll be okay. I know I'll be safe. I know I'll be happy. I love you in ways I never knew were possible and hope that never changes.

Thank you for making me feel loved and letting me feel I'm enough, like deserved to be loved. You were there for me in such a hard time of my life and you have introduced me to so many people you are such a joy and I'm never bored when I'm with you and I know you would answered if I called at 3 am and I know you're always there.

I know, we have quarrels and fights but it's normal, I think. You can always tell me all your worries and I'll always listen, just always think that I can be your support when you're confused and you don't understand things.

Lastly, Thank you for letting me in your life and trusting me that I can love you back the way you deserve. I can't say I appreciate you enough. I can't say I thank you enough. So many typed and verbal words just don't seem like it's enough. You will always remember, I love you and always care for you.

Endlessness of love, Shaquille.

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