

for my favorite person
this flower is for u

haii bubb, how are you?? semoga baik baik aja yaa. maaf yaa aku jarang ngabarin kamu? sampai kita jadi jarang chat an gini. pasti kamu bosen ya aku selalu minta maaf tapi ujung ujungnya di ulangi lagi.. tapi kali ini aku bener bener minta maaf sama kamu, aku ga chat kamu bukan karna aku lost feeling or some, tapi karna tugas aku banyakk. aku gamau numpuk tugas kaya tahun lalu t___t oh ya, just because we dont talk, doesn’t mean i’ve forgotten about you, it doesn’t mean i no longer care and it doesn’t mean i dont love anymore. truth is i still do.

i just wanted u to know that i still love u until now. i love u & i’ll always do, fathan. i love you, i love you more, i love you more than anything, i looovveee you in every universe. idk if u still love me or not but yeah i fell in love with you. i dont know how, idk why, i just did. and i just wanted to say that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me, im so happy to have you in my life. you deserve all the good thing in this world, you deserve all the love. you deserve to be happy. you deserve it all, fathan.

..aku ga suka kamu ngerendahin diri kamu sendiri. mungkin di mata kamu kamu itu banyak kurangnya. tapi di mata aku kamu udah lebih dari cukup. but hey, inget yaa gaada yang sempurna di dunia ini. kita semua pasti punya kekurangan, tapi kita juga pasti punya kelebihan. soo kurang kurangin ya insecure nya? kamu harus pd okkay? kamu ganteng lohh, kamu lucuu, kamu baik banget banget banget! even setiap aku mikirin kamu aku selalu mikir kalo kamu terlalu baik buat aku. you’re an amazing person, fathan.

virtual relationships can be difficult, but I know ours can make it if we trust each other, didn’t lie abt our feelings, and if we are destined to be together ofc. kalo kamu dan aku ga kuat kita akhirin sama sama ya? ohh and please tell me if ur in love with someone irl, jadi kalo sekarang kamu lagi suka sama orang yaa bilang ajaa, i can keep secret yk, and i guess i’ll be okay with that, malah aku lebih seneng kalo kamu jujur dari pada kamu rahasia in itu dari aku, itu malah bikin aku tambah kecewa sama kamu. we can still be friend, don’t worry, aku bakal ngehargain keputusan kamu and actually itu maklum kok, maklum kalo kamu tertarik sama orang lain yang pastinya di real life, bukan di dunia virtual. karna ga semua orang yang ngejalanin hubungan virtual bisa bertahan sampai akhir, kalo mereka bisa bertahan, mereka hebat. jadi kalo kamu udah ga kuat sama hubungan virtual ini, bilang ya? let’s talk abt it and end it up together.

i thank the universe for letting me have you in my life. so please take care of yourself, i love you so much and i dont want anything bad to happen to you..


• just a reminder if no one has told you this yet today

i love you. you deserve to be here. God loves you, God loves you so much. the same God who created the galaxies and this whole world thought that the world needed you in it. you are amazing. i am so sorry if you’re going to hard things. you can do this, i believe in you. you’re strong, you’re powerful, you’re fearfully and wonderfully made.

• you’re so special to me

you dont even know. i hate when you’re hard on yourself because you don’t deserve that kind of negativity. you deserve everything good and perfect and sweet and i want to try my best to give that to you. i’m not perfect by any means but i want to be perfect for you. i want to be the best i can for you. i want to help you be the type of person you want. i want to support you as long as you let me and as long as its a positive thing. you’re very important to me. thank you for being you.

aight, have a nice day bubb


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