


  • Whose fucking idea was this

  • Okay, this is so funny. I’ve just read a few articles about this and this dude though that since monkeys fight over ovulating females, humans would do the same thing. But instead of lots of sex and violence, dude barely got any of either.

    And this dude was so hellbent on causing drama from the start? He put the women in charge of the important shit and gave the men menial jobs specifically because he thought it would emasculate the men and make them more aggressive. Instead, everyone worked well together. He banned reading materials so they couldn’t distract themselves from interpersonal drama. Instead they sung songs and told stories to keep themselves occupied. He gave “confidential” scientific questionnaires with questions like “who do you dislike most on this boat?” and “who do you most want to have sex with?” and then started to read peoples’ answers aloud at group meetings. And they didn’t even fight over that.

    The most violent thing that happened on the trip? The raft’s captain wanted to pull into a port because of an oncoming hurricane, but he thought having literally any interaction with outside humans would “taint his experiment”, so he committed a mutiny against her. And he then nearly got them all killed when they got too close to a large ship and he panicked, but the proper captain kept a cool head and saved their lives, resulting in everyone ousting the scientist.

    Also, sex-wise? To try to “ensure” people had sex with each other, he only chose participants he personally thought were attractive (and I’m sorry dude but your tastes are not everyone’s tastes). Also he made sure that one of the people on the raft was a priest because he thought it would make them feel guilty for all the sex they would definitely be having and then cause more drama? But then because the quarters was so cramped and they spent so much time together (it wasn’t even possible to piss in private) that the only ways to have sex were in front of the whole group or in the dead of night with one hand on the helm. So they just didn’t.

    Reminiscing about it years later, the members basically said “it was a lovely trip, except for that asshole scientist.”

  • if you ever thought you were bad at your profession, this was a real scientist, for real, in real life

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