

AnohnunrTis,  -ov,  b,  (fr.  aame)  a 
traveller  ;  a  sojourner,  lodger  ;  a 
stranger  ;  engaged,  or  busy 

AnofsnunrtKbi;,  -fi,  -bv,  or  -ov,  b,  ft, 
(fr.  same)  journeying,  travel- 
ling ;  foreign  ;  living,  or  trading 
Anohpla,  -a<r,  f),  (fr.  same)  a  jour, 
ney,  travelling  ;  residence  at/roady 
foreign  service  ;  absence  from home. 

Ain$<W/ioj,  -ov,  b,  h,  (fr-  same) 
going,  or  living  abroad,  an  ab- 
tentee;  a  traveller,  tvjourner, 

Aiairovrtas,  -ov,  b,  >),  (fr.  Std  be- 
yond, and  irovrof  the  sea)  travel- 
ling beyond  sea,  a  voyage?;  trans- 
marine ;  marine,  maritime. 

abroad,  remain  from 
home,  be  atjsent,  live  among 
EKSnurjoai,  1  a.  inf.  act. —  EkoV 
uovucv,  1  pi.  cont.  pres.  ind.  — 
EkStjuovvtcs,  n.  pL  cont.  par. 
pres.  act.  of  last. 
EK6nuia,-as, »/,  (fr.  same)  journey, 
travel  or  residence  abroad,  living 
among  strangers. 

EvQvizoptvouat,  and  Ev9v~opi(>i  -di, 
(fr.  next,  and  ttooos  a  passage)  to 
guide,  lead,  conduct ;  to  proceed, 
advance,  go  straight  forward  ;  to 
journey,  travel. 

Ezvirzvu),  f.  -cvo-Uj  (fr.  ffvoj  a 
stranger)  to  travel  through  fo- 
reign countries,  go  abroad,  live  in 
a  strange  land,  sojourn,  pres 
mid.  Ezvirzvouai,  same,  and 
also,  to  enlist  in  foreign  service. 

n^evo),  {if.  last)  to  travel  on  foot, 
march;  to  go  by  land.  pres. 
inf.  act.  rt^cvuv. 

U£parbs,  -fi,  -ov,  (fr.  same)  passa- 
ble, open,  clear.  Subs,  one  who 
passes  over,  a  traveller  ;  a  leader, 

'Eycttfiat,  (fr.  same,  and  Ktiuai  to 
lie)  to  lie  or  be  in,  inhere,  belong 
to,  cleave  or  cling  to;  to  lean 
towards,  befriend;  to  set  upon, 
invade,  assail,  attack,  seize;  to 
press,  urge,  be  instant. 

AiaTTtpdu)  -£>,  f.  -aau),  and  -fjau,  p. 
-axa,  by  Sync.  Aia*pdu>  -<2>, 
which  see,  (fr.  Std  through, 
and  ntpdui  to  pass)  to  carry, 
convey,  sail  or  pass  over;  to 
cross  over,  pass  by  or  through ; 
to  pass  through  or  spend  life  ;  to 
proceed  on  a  journey  or  voyage. 
1  a.  act.  ind.  Sit-ipaoa'  par. 

cmiropcvopai gplpdrSudmal, ep-ee-por- 
y 00 '-om-ahee; from iqoq and 41 q8; to journey further , 
i.e, travel on (reach):— come. 

cmiropcvopai gplpdrSudmal, ep-ee-por- 
y 00 '-om-ahee; from iqoq and 41 q8; to journey further , 
i.e, travel on (reach):— come. 

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