

Ayie's girl

Hai hannan. Assalamualaikum. How are you? Hope sihat jea

365/365. A new chapter has begun. Happy 14th birthday hannan<33333333🦋✨🎉💗. Another birthday means your life journey is incomplete, may your path be paved with success and guided by love. May allah bless u and all your dreams become wht u truly want. May this special day bring you endless joy and tons of precious memories. With this birthday, you're a little older than me and a lot more wonderful. Semoga pnjg umur, happy selalu and murah rezeki🌟. Sorry if sy byk susahkan or buat awk marah.

Nothing to give just some advice maybe useful nnt. Like always sy ckp kt awk, belaja rajin2 tau🐈. Ur future bergantung pada awk yg sekrg. Mane thu time form 4 kite dpt sekolah yg same an. Ini penting! Jgn insecure. Dh cantik molek nk insecure lak🗿 filter ke tak orgnye still same. Pedulikan org lain yg ckp macam2 😼. Asalkan kau bahagia ha sudah. Settle hidup🐑. Jgn pressure diri awak byk sgt. Buat skit2 and if awk fail don't give up but bangun balik. Just anggap as pengajaran utk awk lebih berjaya. Tapi bukanlah sampai hw xsiap ek. Tu nnt kene sebat ngn cg kang. Akhirnye berjaya awk jadi pengawas balik an lepas dh lame xjadi😌 sy mohon badar so doakan sy dpt😶.

Nothing more to say. Kalau ade mase nnt kite jumpe 😉. Life is a journey. Enjoy every mile. Jangan sia² kan. Have a great birthday!

Syg hannan ketat2


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