

/g/ - Technology (Anonymous)

Look, all I want is a solar-powered, soup-to-nuts FLOSSed-out FPGA-accelerated RISC-X Plan-Y, globally audited and verified, last-mile anonymously meshed, 3FA self-hosted computing system that integrates all my hotswappable modular devices (including ASICs) into an optimal heterogeneous-computing hybrid CRDT-Fluent P2P distributed OS monolith written entirely in Rust with nested unikernels, 1st class remote access + remote processing using capability based security and better-than-Qubes isolation environments, real-time synchronized multi-user DEs and multiseating, snapshottable swarm-based taggable file distribution, voice-activated ML-empowered predictive scripting, continuous and personalized automated searches for information about any object selected in my scope, [P2P curation, moderation, and voting] with other such systems, and the seamless ability to contribute my computing resources to global needs. I'd prefer that it would tell me if it became sentient too. I'm happy to have just a 1080p screen and bad speakers. That's not too much to ask for. We, like, deserve it.Generated by RSStT. The copyright belongs to the original author.


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