

ali @uenouyamma

Driving on the flyover, I have never felt so high. Leaving everything was almost painless at all, I apologize because I never sent a text message.

Sometimes I'm tired. Try it regardless of being good enough. Is it selfish if not good enough? when all I can do is do what I say.

I will be better than before, even if your every text is ignored for hours .. Will you send me a message, just to find out how I am ?? Then I swear, always, I will care.

Scrolling through our conversation, those moments didn't seem to last long for me. Listening to all the choice words that came after I tried my best to win first place, a feeling you may not know.

Don't leave me, it's never easy. I have a lifetime to work hard for nothing. If you leave me, I swear all I can do is cry in my sleep.

I promise you it will be better than before, even though every text of yours is ignored for hours .. but will you send me a message ?? still just to find out what I did, then I swear. I will change.

Sorry if I disappoint you, I don't often say this to you but I really want to ask .. are you bored with me ?? do you feel done with me ?? I don't know so I wanted to ask but I was scared of your answer so I kept it all to myself

Only if you know how many times your name is called from my mouth, how my friends know you even before we practice, how I give you a nickname so that my friends do not always wait for a break on me just to send you a message, I love listening to you tell the story of your day.

Don't leave me so fast .. if you do istg I'll cry alone in a small alley at night when I'm scared.

I love you, really. Sorry I'm not very expressive when I mention you, I'm sorry that my "ily" text looks fake to you .. but I lend lend. I have to really change the way I see you. I have to really change the way I say ily to you. I have to really change my way of expressing my love.

All I want to say is, I'm sorry that I'm a bad and disappointing boyfriend. I know that myself. But please give me a second chance to change myself to suit yourself. But also, I'm so sorry you got a disappointing bf and I love you more than you expected :))

Let me know if you're tired and bored with me, okay ?? Don't be afraid that you will be me. My happiness is your happiness, I don't want you to choke on me.

That's all for tonight, hope you see this :) ..

For, Mafuyuku.

Love, Ali.

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