

♡。 \ | /。 ♡
      for my boyfie

♡。 / | \。 ♡

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firstly nak bagitahu yang i wrote these 2 letters in 2 diff days so saya combine je both okie

—it’s still u,it’s been 87 days cintaaaa <3 i might not write much as i used to but i do write for u when ure at work :o i will always be urs and will never stop loving u unless u don’t love me anymore,what can i do?i want u to know how much u mean to me,entahla cinta hati saya u mean so much to me to the point i wanna tell everyone ure mine,can i have one day where i wanna tell u how i feel?i love u more than haruto and yuta,i love u more than anyone actually 💘 isn’t that weird? 🫣 not to mention but i searched “how to be a good girlfriend” on the internet ToT funny tho i never put these much effort into anything but here i am doing it for u,my best is yet to come,i hope u love me as much as i love u my cutest boyyy <3 ily to the moon and never go back AHAH sebab let it be infinity

im sorry im not the best u ever had :)) haih how i wish i could be better for u tapi istg im trying rn also im sorry again sebab i don’t express my love much as i used to do before but i promise u i still love u macam dulu and the old nea is still hereee so no worries boyfie <3 tbh kan kalau awak rasa saya macam lain tuu,maybe bc i found out something,or tengah badmood?or i reread our text time gaduh 😭👎🏻 can u promise me everytime ada problem,let’s communicate or slow talk dulu?i don’t wanna lose so mana mana yang kita boleh fix kita fix without having to argue,im scared what if everytime kita gaduh,u lost feelings hm 


90 days w hilman aka my baby omelnya dah 18 pun muka macam baby lagi sukanya okok back to main topic btw its been 90 days we’re together cepatnya rasa macam baru je kenal anyway ik belum 8hb lagi but i can’t wait to write this for you sebab nea nak hilman tahuuuu yang nea love hilman sangat sangat like the first time we talk and tak pernah kurang pun,im so grateful i met you?!?sebab ure the best boyf i ever had comelnya hilmannnn ye saya baru lepas tengok gambar awak hihi hensem nak mampos also my boyfie i don’t and i won’t have anyone else as long as we’re together soooo jangan overthink and ily more than u know and im always here waiting for u and and andddd im so proud of u in case nobody tells u this ilysmmmm and saya tahu kat chat saya macam tak sweet sangat sebab malu 😭 kalau tulis panjang ceni tak malu okay nanti saya sambung sebab sakit perut ni nak pergi toilet ily hilman kalau tak reply tu saya dah tidur tau

9:27 | 6th july

idk if lepas ni i could still write letters for u sebab kita sambung study :) however i hope u know how much i still in love w u even tho tak express it everyday,talking to u makes my day happier <33 pape pun i wish u the best in ur studies and future,my boyfriend 💘 if saya busy after this,insyaallah i will make time for u too,love youuu

p/s i still post things at @444hlmn,and i still simp for u 😎💅🏻 slay bye bye malu

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