


Hi sunshine,

So I was going to do an entire puzzle and encryption to access this letter but I thought of how I'd never hear the end of the fact that it took you 2.3 seconds to decode and immediately, no.

Anyways, I've wanted to write you a letter for a long time to say thank you.

The 212 days, 5 hours and x seconds (happy 8 month friendiversary btw) that I've gotten to know you, obsess over Hamilton because of you, react to The Game over a steaming plate of bread and stew with you, and discuss Multiverse theory till 3am have easily been some of my favorite 212 days.

I look back at the past couple of months and wonder how I'd have survived them without you. It's like you went from being my neighbor to being one of my favorite people in the world.

Thank you for doting on me even when I fight you about it. Thank you for listening to me even when I struggle to find the words to express myself. Thank you for making me a priority even when I know you have a mountain of commitments to get to. Thank you for trusting me enough to be vulnerable with me and allowing me be vulnerable with you.

You say you always knew we'd be friends but let me tell you when I knew we'd be friends forever. It was when you gave me one of the kindest gifts I've ever received (no, it wasn't the Radisson spa date which I loved).

It was the diffuser you got me when we started talking and I don't think you realize why I love that diffuser so much. It's because it was the most thoughtful and genuine thing I had ever experienced. I remember that day, barely a week into our first proper conversation, we were just checking in on each other and I mentioned in passing that I'd barely gotten any sleep. Anyone would pass over that and just extend apologies but you didn't. You asked why I wasn't sleeping and I again mentioned work and my anxiety in passing. I didn't expect you to pick that up because I mentioned it absent-mindedly but you did and you asked if I was comfortable talking about my anxiety and we talked. I remember thinking it was very thoughtful that you needed to check that I was comfortable with that.

And I remember that you asked if I had a diffuser so I could try aromatherapy. And I did intend to try it but knowing me, it was at the back burner of my brain somewhere. But a week later, I mentioned I was shopping and you asked me to check if they had a diffuser, and they didn't. It was the way I'd completely forgotten about it but you remembered and it was top of mind for you. And even when they didn't have it, you still found someone to get one for me. Because you wanted me to sleep better and feel better.

THAT'S when I knew we'd be friends forever.

I honestly don't exactly have a train of thoughts with this letter but I'd be remiss if I do not remind you of what an absolute treasure you are. Apart from being extremely stunning and incredibly smart, you're one of the sweetest, kindest and most genuine souls I've ever met. I do not take for granted the fact that I can always count on you to have my back and I hope that you never lose your magic.

I initially wrote this letter as some sort of farewell but you're absolutely right, this story is still being written. So this is just a take care until the next time I get to hug you again.



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