4 July, 2022

4 July, 2022

Kalanami S.

My channel DISCLAIMER. 🤍

I. I’m not real Won Jimin from CLASS:y, and has no connection with the idol and the company. The photo, video or more about Won Jimin i get it from Internet. 

II. DNI & DSI, if u are homophobic, racist, grammar police, fake/side account, sensitive person, MDNI USER!! 

III. BYI & BYS, this channel contains LGBTQ+, broken english, harshword (sometimes) and many typo, sometimes not using TW or CW. If you're not comfortable with me, you can unsubscribe this channel and don't forget to get me out of your channel. If there's anything to say you can contact me on @CelesytialBot.

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