


baby, you got my heart. if you don't realize it, you know that i would never give this much love to anyone. we're lucky, i'll show everyone that no one has ever received this much attention from me.

when i say i'm in love with you, really. not just because of your idea, but your smile, your love, your personality, everything about you not because i'm bored i miss doing action, but it's because you gave me something i couldn't imagine having you in my life, it's like a dream. i don't even care to think about having someone like you in my life because of how impossible it is to think, then you come into my life and prove me wrong. don't you think that i will leave you or doubt my love for you? never, no. smile so hard and think you want to be with this person for the rest of my life. whenever i see you, you are my whole universe and everything to me. trust me, i love you more than you love me, babe.

you are on my mind all the time, i never loved anyone like i love you. you are the only true starlight i see this midnight. seeing you happy makes me even happier, really. you made this world a better place to live in, and i love you because you made me addicted to you.

you know what? sometimes i get confused, even though you don't do anything but why are you so cute? t__t you're so cute, i wanna pinch it every day. you think when you meet me your cheeks will disappear, huh? yes, i'll get rid of it, i'll bite your cheek and kept pinching it because it's cute. why is my boyfriend so cute?? want to hug so tight!!!

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