


1. On this wonderful Thuesday, I saw a glint of skylights right in front of the vision of my sight. It was a fascinating letter from DEMIURGEST that caught my interest in a blink of an eye! I have my faith; the flow has to lead me here for something. This is not a coincidence and I believe that DEMIURGEST will be the right place where I will be able to feel at home ♡♡ maybe this reason is not inevitably enough, but I need a place to gather with people and also chat together, I hope you can choose me. I am very happy if you choose me 😍 Sometimes, i want to join you guys and having a random or lil talk. That must be so fun? Ig. Tbh, aku pengen punya banyak temen, linemates juga. Who knows i can find a friends in a same frequency with me & when i take a look at other Paguyuban, my muse slots is alr taken and that really make me sad and prustasi af T____T SOO I DECIDED TO JOIN INI SELAGI BISA, dan kalau sekiranya bisa dikasih kesempatan buat join. I hope sooo :D first impression nya paguynya tuh kece keren cantik mirip milady bangsawan dari kerjaan timur barat yang suka perang, terus vibesnya tuh kaya klasik dan cerita cerita jaman dulu gituloh keren bangeg makanya aku mau join.

2. -) The reason why you have to accept me is becasue, I will always be active in the group, and will participate in Events organized by Mouluves, and I will not want to suddenly go on hiatus/delete my account. And I will appreciate any admin decision and other members while discussing something, dan juga the reason I join DEMIURGEST is literally to mingle and making some new family anf friends, not only to do SFS or making drama for others, I would like to mingle like we're family that goes into an endless vacation with an endless relationship we could go through together and surely, I'm not an unstable person and i know what i am doing right now to have the audacity for writing the answers wholeheartedly. u can trust me I'll do my best to mingle with u guys jadi pick me pleaseee!

-) Okay, i'll start with my positive points of myself :' Pros nya aku cantik :D baik hati, tidak sombong dan rajin menabung. Bercanda aja. Aku ini ada keturunan darah mafia. BANYAK OMONG, lamun ceuk urang sunda mah teu daek cicing siga cacing anu kapanasan. I can mingle well with other thoooo asal gak di lor ajah PLEASE DI LOR GA ENAK BGTTT :( honestly, aku anaknya enggak suka nge-lor gitu, soalnya enggak tega WKWKWK tapi kadamg suka ngelor kalo emang jaringan ku jelek jadi nyimak aja. Biasanya kalo ada bbc terakhir tetep aku rep walaupun gak penting, i am also a good listener and jadi bisa lah ya di ajak curhat mah. Buat cons nya aku itu lemot kyk wifi lo pada, lembek kayak slime alias loyo epridey epriwer, terus suka banget galau karena sering di ghosting hmmm, GAMONAN, CAPSLOCK AF maaf ya kalo nanti kalian sakit mata chat sma aku, Suka nangisin kegantengan HAECHAN juga shshshs DIA GNTG BGT SOALNYA *Cry* KATA KALIAN dia ganteng banget ga sih KEK ANJIRLAH KENAPA lu ganteng bgt gituuu.

3. Because Ningning is my bias that makes me use Ningning as my muse and also I know quite a lot about Ningning. I am also more comfortable using Ningning because her nature is quite similar to mine which makes it easier for me to play the role of Ningning. And I think she has an elegant vibes, also she being able to be a mood booster in group. She's so pretty and really humble towards her group member, even to fans itself.

4. Yang pastinya aku bakal bantu diskusi dan ngeluarin pendapat sebisa aku, dan bantu buat ngelancarin semuanya atau kalo kita perlu dana aku juga bisa patungan dan lain lainnya. Aku juga dengan senang hati bakal bantu jadi kurir kalo perlu sebar poster, atau kalo kita butuh ba wording anibor dan lain lainnya aku siap menyelami moneyfess supaya kita nemuin ba yang keren. Pokonya aku bakal bantu semuanya sebisa aku YAHHHH hehehe

5. Yes i'm 100% totally sure and istg i can keep any secret there. If i can't keep any secret i accept all the consequences that you give to me, mulai dari sekedar teguran sampai being kicked from this family. And you guys should trust me cause i'm not a person dengan tipikal muka 2 karena punya muka 1 aja udah susah banget ngurusinnya skincarenya mahal. Also being cepu/tupes isn't cool and gak ngasih faedah sama sekali :] u can trust me, i can keep a secret.

Lastly, my muse is Ningning from aespa. Here's my username @Ningninh! Thank youuu <3

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