

forgive yourself for changing. forgive yourself for being a different person than you were a year a go or three months a go or even a week a go. forgive yourself for wanting different things, and for maybe stepping away from the goals or the dreams or the people you fought to manifest in your life.

sometimes, it's extremely difficult to see change, to see that difference within your own soul and your own desires as a good thing. but it is a good thing; it's the best thing, because it means that you're learning. itmeans you're not settling in your life, it means that you're not just takung a back seat to the way you crash you heart into this world, it means that you are asking morr from yourself, it'smean that you are genuinely trying your best to figure out what deserves to stay in your life, inteadof just keeping things within it because they are there

forgive yourself for changing. and more importantly be the person who changes. because when you are the peraon who changes, itmeans your are the person who is growing. insteadof vilifying yourself for that instead of feeling like you are falling away from yourself, use this transformation as a reminder that you are actually falling into yourself.

mithaa, learn to love many phases of your life... naive, stupid, cringe, it's all you. jangan pernah gasuka sama dirimu ya? kalo gada yang suka kamu, aku ada. aku selalu suka kamu.

ingat ini juga. ingat kamu bukan pusat dunia, artinya dunia gak mesti menyesuaikan dengan ekspetasimu. artinyaaaa juga, kamu ga mesti menyesuaikan diri dengan ekspetasi dunia. mitha jangan pikir kalo kamu jalan di tempat, setiap orang punya jalannya sendiri, kamu sangat amat hebat, aku bangga sekali πŸ–€.

setelah kita pisah aku benar benar patah, aku ga ngerti cara sembuhnya mitha. aku sekarang sendirian, papa sama bunda cerai, sahabat aku udh pergi, kamupun ikut pergi. tapi aku selalu ingat kamu, kamu selalu bilang aku hebat. aku bakalan kuat dan terimakasi dukungannya πŸ–€

kamu orang paling baik dihidup aku, kamu orang yang senyaman rumah buat aku, kalo boleh jujur aku mau kamu sekali lagi. aku mau dikasih kesempatan buat ngebahagia-in kamu lagi. aku mau mencintai kamu dengan semua ketulusan dan kebaikan yang aku punya. tapi aku tau kamu ga akan mau lagi, gapapa u deserve someone better, aku senang sekali kalo kamu banyak senyum meskipun senyum mu buat orang lain.

see you when i see you, take care of your life. i still love you even we don't talk anymore, thank you for all the happiness and lessons.

if you know my heart still wan't you, but iknow i'm just the one you didn't wan't. see u i another time, maybe.

i just let go of you cause you deserve the happiness, too. i'm so grateful cause i met a kind person like you, i'm sorry if you met me.

you're such a beautiful human being and worth and enough. i hope you let yourself rest, don't beat yourself up over past mistakes, over regret and over everything your mind wants to destroy you.

i wish i could remove all those demons inside of your head because you deserve to feel happy.

i want you to feel alive, i don't want you to see yourself just existing. you deserve it.

whatever happened, it's not your fault. its not your fault, the demons in your head recognize that you have a beautiful heart, they want to take it because they have never seen such a beautiful heart as yours.

mithaa, if you're reading this, please never forget to smile. i like your smile. a lot.

i love you and send you hugs.

ur strong, ur still here and im so proud of you.






i hope this enough for you to stay today, tomorrow will be a new day, a new start, let go now. i hope you can stay. this is your sign to stay and treat yourself with love, you deserve it. and in case no one told you today, again, im so proud of you. i hope you will remember my words πŸ–€

mithaa, aku bakal stop kasih kamu semangat mulai hari ini, aku tau kamu sudah tida perlu dukunganku. tapi ini tolong dibaca ya!

aku cinta kamu, aku mau kamu. pulang ya mitha? kalau berkenan. gausa buru buru gapapa aku punya waktu selamanya buat nunggu kamu.

oh ya ini info gapenting tapi kalo kamu mau cari aku lagi jagan di ig ya? igku udh pada ga aktif. dan telegram ku pun aku deact. kapanpun kamu mau cari, kamu bisa wa aku, atau @scaryhumanss itu akun buat bicara semua tentang kamu, kalo kamu kangen bisa mampir baca tulisanku disitu. see you mitha, God bless you πŸ–€

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