


A word used toward privileged, spoiled, safe spaced morbidly obese white women about when they act arrogant and entitled

When they act offended at almost everything and put on theatrics just for all of the attention.

They are the type that you could say or do anything and they will be so “ offended “ by it that they will make others believe you personally attacked them and possibly call police on you. ( Exactly like they would do to some random person in the drop of a pin for maybe walking by and possibly by accident tripping on or touching even the front of their “ private property “ )

To express any thoughts or make any action around this person is automatically an attack on their self image and is walking on

“ Private Property “

Person A: I am enjoying this conversation with you but I feel we can be around her to have it.

Person B: Let’s go outside and continue, so this conversation can’t walk on “ private property “ .

( something you purposely direct at an entitled, pretentious, insecure shit stirring manipulator )


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