( ◜‿◝ )♡

( ◜‿◝ )♡

from your "Kak Jo"

Haloo, do you remember what daayy is itt? I know you know what day it is. Happy anniversaryy, sayaang 🤍. I hope we can always be together for a longg timeee, and i hope that we're always fine. Aku di sini mau say thank you and sorry for everything. First, i wanna say thanks to you, thanks thanks for everything that you gave to me. Terima kasih juga udah mau stay sama aku walaupun aku belum bisa memenuhi ekspektasi kamu andd masih suka bikin kamu khawatir atau sedih. Terima kasih lagi kamu masih mau bertahan sama aku walaupun aku sering ngasih luka. Tolong maafin luka yang aku kasih dari awal kita mulai pacaran, yaa? I know sorry is not enough buat ngilangin luka yang udah aku kasih. Maaf juga udah bikin kamu mikir kalau aku udah ga sayang lagi sama kamu. And if you think aku udah ngga sayang sama kamu, aku mau ngasih tau kamu kalau kita itu ga bisa mengukur rasa sayang seseorang hanya dari perilakunya aja, semua orang pasti punya caranya sendiri buat menunjukkan their feelings. No one knows the standard how to love someone, it can only be felt by our hearts. Jadii, if aku ngetik singkat atau bales chatnya lamaa, itu bukan berarti aku udah ga sayang atau udah bosen sama kamuu. Aku itu selalu mikirin kamu setiap hari, even every minute. Mau kemanapun aku, pasti ada kamu di pikiran aku. Pokoknyaa i just need you to know, that i love you so much, my life is way better cause i'm met you, i swear to God. No one can replace you in my heart. It's always you and forever it's you. I love everything about you, i love you more than to the moon and back, i love you more than you know.

Oh, iya. Kalo aku ngomong "i love you" ke kamu, itu artinya aku sayaaangg banget sama kamu. Aku terima kamu. Aku terima kamu dari segi manapun, dari kelebihan maupun kekurangan mu. Mau Gimanapun kamu, aku tetep sayang sama kamu. Ga ada yang bisa gantiin kamu in my life. Cuma kamu yang bisa bikin aku so in love. Kamu itu beda dari yang lain, itu yang palinggg bikin aku suka sama kamu. Kamu itu baiknya banget bangett, bisa menghadapi semua kekurangan aku, kamu masih bisa maafin aku walaupun aku berkali-kali bikin kamu sakit. Because of that, aku ga mau ada orang jahat yang nyakitin kamu, cause you're special. More than special. You're Perfect. I know no one's perfect in this universe, but you, i feel like— Godd, how can i met with the most perfect person in this universe? Everything feels like such a beautiful dream, i wish i'd never wake up from this dream. I really can't stop thanking God for bringing you in my life. Kamu itu bener-bener definisi rumah untuk berpulang. When I feel so tired it's always ngerasa more happier pas ada kamu. Kamu always menghibur aku sama tingkah lucu kamu walaupun kamu sendiri ngga sadar waktu ngelakuin itu (?) hahaha. Home is wherever i'm with you. Thank you for being my best home. i love you sooo fuckin muccchh. Thanks for being my favorite person this year and last year. You'll always be my favorite. You're the most breathtaking sight the galaxy has to offer. You makes me feel like i'm worth something more than the universe. I wanna be the person that makes you feel loved. I wanna show you that you're the most perfect person. You're so precious istgggg.

It's me and you HAHAH just imagine firsttt

I'll give you affection as i can. I'll do anything to express my love for youuuuu, my prettiest girlll. You're super duper mega ultra goooddd girlfriend i've mett, not gonna lieeee. I'll love you with my whole damn heart. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU cuzz you're too perfect :((, more than perfect (i thinkk i've said it many timeeesss, BUTT nvm. Causeeee i'm in love with you so baddd right noooww). Thanks for making me feel the true lovee. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, PRETTYYY. AND you should know one thing when you're givin' me a voice note or your cute picture, literally i could spend the whole my time to listening or looking to ur pretty face and ur sweet voice. NOT GONNA LIEEE. I hope is not gonna be cringe asfff. Hope you like ittt. Ah, waitt. Do u know James Arthur's song? Say You Won't Let Go i mean. This song really reminds me to you, when he said "You made me feel as though i was enough". You always remind me that i'm pretty good enough. I remember when March 15 at 6:08 AM you said that "aku ngga pernah nuntut kamu buat jadi apa yang aku mau. semua orang punya karakternya masing-masing. aku ngga menuntut kamu, pun aku ngga pernah sekalipun berpikir kalo kamu harus jadi pribadi yang aku mau. jadi diri sendiri aja, itu udah cukup. mau gimanapun kamu, mau seburuk apapun kamu, aku akan selalu sayang sama kamu." its really made me feel that I was enough. Thanks again for loving my weaknesses and strengths.


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