


👨‍🎓🦠 Международный институт экономики и финансов (МИЭФ) НИУ ВШЭ в среду, 3 июня проводит панельную дискуссию на тему “This Time is Different: Economic Policy Challenges in the time of COVID-19”, где выступят отечественные и международные эксперты с обсуждением данной тематики. Спикеры: Martin Gilman, Professor of Economics at HSE University and former Assistant Director, IMF policy department (US policy and spillovers to global markets) Reiner Martin, Lead Economist at the Joint Vienna Institute and former Deputy Head of European Central Bank’s Macroprudential Policy Division (European Monetary and Supervisory response) Alexander Morozov, Head of the Research and Forecasting Department at the Central Bank of Russia (Russian policy response) Dimitrios P. Tsomocos, Professor and Chair of Financial Economics, Said Business School and St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford (European political and fiscal actions and effects) Oleg Zamulin, Director of Centre for Macroeconomic Research at Sberbank and Former Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at HSE University (Outlook for the Russian Economy) Дедлайн для регистрации: вторник, 2 июня, 16:00 Язык: английский

Источник: Финансовый говорун

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