

Two days before NorthSide festival cancels international name: 'Disaster' | BT Music - www.bt.dk Listen to the article Buy a Digital Plus subscription and listen immediately. Buy Now Already a subscription? Log in Buy a Digital Plus subscription and listen immediately. Buy Now Hov, allow us to play the article. It is ready when you have clicked 'Allow all' Give permission Thursday it starts in Eskelunden in Aarhus - it is on music, draft beer and high spirits when NorthSide Festival runs off the stack. But on Tuesday, just two days before the festival begins, NorthSide comes with an annoying message. "We are sorry to announce that girl in red unfortunately has to cancel her concert on NorthSide due to problems with her voice," NorthSide wrote in a post on Facebook. The international singer will instead be replaced by the Danish pop singer Dopha. And it does not arouse enthusiasm among all the upcoming festival goers on NorthSide. »Flot NS (NorthSide, ed.). Girl in red has had some of her last concerts canceled due to the voice. And it can magically replace one of your very few international names with is: Danish pop. That's damn slatted. At least you could not have booked any rock, «writes a user as a comment on the post. The user is backed by several others who would also like NorthSide to have more rock on the program. "How about some proper rock NorthSide ?," writes one user. "I join the choir - no more pop !," adds another. Others respond with words like "nooooooo," "a disaster," and with crying smiles. NorthSide has received a lot of criticism for this year's music program, which according to some festival goers does not offer enough big international names, and that there are too many pop musicians. However, there are also some who write that they are looking forward to hearing Dopha and that it is a good alternative. However, that's not the only thing NorthSide 2022 has been up for. It got people well up in the red box when the festival announced that this year there will be exclusively vegan and vegetarian food on the menu. And one of the users can not help but send a suppository to the new meat-free initiative. »Now you got the chance to throw some meat (pun intended) for the voracious masses who want to see something with just a little guitar, but alas and woe and torment and torment. If you did not know better - and fortunately I do not - you would think that it was on purpose. "" NS anno 2022 is, to use a worn image, like seeing a traffic accident in slow motion, "he writes. Most recently, however, NorthSide received help from an unexpected edge, as the Danish singing star about the plant-based initiative. Tickets for the festival are currently being sold at spot prices online - whether it is due to the music, the plant-based food or something else, however, is not known. Media Take the test ABROAD POLICE: Warns Danes Berlingske Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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