

6 answers to 6 questions - what do we actually vote yes or no to? | Defense reservation | DR During the big party leader debate last night, dr.dk's readers could ask questions - here you can see a number of the answers. From Then it was election day. , or whether it should be abolished. opens at 8 o'clock, and then it's just a matter of getting a vote. But if you still feel that you lack answers to some questions to be able to make a decision about where your cross should be put, then the help is - maybe - here. Last night, three of DR's sharpest heads - defense analyst Mads Korsager, political Christine Cordsen and - Ole Ryborg - namely ready to answer readers' questions here on dr.dk, while the last party leader debate was broadcast. Here we have collected a number of the answers. Remember that you can too, if you are still in doubt. A very central question came from the reader Sille, who wanted a short and concrete answer to what we vote yes and no to, respectively. Here, political Christine Cordsen gave her answer to precisely that: - If it becomes a yes, then the defense reservation is abolished. This means that the Danish parliament can in future choose to participate in military missions led by. - If the Danes say no, then it continues as now, where Denmark can never participate in military missions. A reader with the initials KB would know, what it really is that - cooperation on defense can, which our membership of can not. To the answer defense analyst Mads Kosager: - The two organizations have basically two different purposes. 's purpose is to deter any opponent from attacking. Or in the event of an attack on a member state to take up a common struggle.-'s military cooperation is intended for peacekeeping missions, stabilizing missions or missions where other countries' soldiers need training.- So in short: are the hard missions. are the "soft" missions. (But not softer than they still carry weapons.) Another question came from the reader Jonathan, who wanted to know what the reason should be to do -military operations.Here came - Ole Ryborg with his answer: - There may be various reasons for making a military operation. For example, a country may request military assistance. Today there are various so-called training missions in Africa, where soldiers from help train officers and soldiers in different African countries.- Another example is where Bosnia has asked -the countries to send a peacekeeping force to Bosnia to help to maintain peace in the country.Also, defense analyst Mads Korsager invited: - wants to be able to intervene in areas or countries where unrest can somehow affect Europe or member states.- In recent years, the United States has taken responsibility for many places and crises around the world. But the United States has signaled that it would like to see the rich states themselves take more responsibility. The member states also want to be able to do this to a greater extent. The reader Bettina would like an answer as to whether a yes to abolishing the defense reservation will affect what kind of equipment Denmark will have to buy in the future - for example to match other countries' military equipment. It gave defense analyst Mads Korsager his answer to - or at least an elaboration of how that kind of thing is connected: - I can not answer that. But there are already military standards that Denmark buys according to. Everything from to radio parts has standards. will hardly start inventing its own.- What is aimed at here is that the member states can get "more military" for the money by pooling the purchases together. As well as uniform stocks, so you can work better together on the missions in terms of weapons, spare parts, etc. - An example: Denmark has just bought new, common uniforms that have been developed together with Norway and Sweden. The defense that we have got more for our money in terms of quality and individuality than otherwise. The cut is roughly the same, but the fabric or colors are different. The reader Niels Kristian would like to know which one we can expect from the other countries, depending on what result it ends up with today. And here is - Ole Ryborg the man who has control of the kind: - If it becomes a no, then the other -countries will above all note that what we know today continues. A no to being a status quo.- If it becomes a yes, then there will probably be -countries that welcome the fact that Denmark now wants to participate in ´s defense cooperation.- One can say that when in Denmark there has been vote, which is also of great importance to the other -countries (eg by a treaty that must be approved by all -countries to enter into force), then there is great attention to a Danish. But when it comes to the defense reservation, it is one that only affects what Denmark can and cannot do. It is not a vote that affects what other countries can and cannot do, and therefore the attention to this Danish is less. And then there is the economy as a whole. Here, the reader Johnny wanted to know whether Denmark should pay more money if we abolish the defense reservation. Political Christine Cordsen replied: - There are not the big ones directly by lifting the defense reservation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that this is DKK 26.6 million. In addition, of course, there are concrete military missions, which the Danish parliament chooses to participate in. - They will be taken from the defense. In the same way as when choosing to send soldiers out on a mission. If you are also in doubt about where to put your cross, then.

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