

010622 Shanghai reopening Photo: ScanpixPrivate video 'Three to one, jaaaaaaa.' There was cheering at midnight in Shanghai. 00.00 reopened the city of millions after the most extensive corona lockdown the world has seen. Aly Song / Reuters / Ritzau ScanpixDR reporter Philip Roin has been on lockdown in his Shanghai apartment for 57 days. For others of the city's 26 million people, the confinement has lasted for up to 80 days. Aly Song / Reuters / Ritzau ScanpixBut after days of bureaucratic tug-of-war over a reopening, virtually all of Shanghai's residents were allowed to go outside their doors again last night. From the social media TikTokOn TikTok, people have posted pictures of how they party in the streets of Shanghai. But even though the so-called normalization process has now been started, the pandemic is not over, the police remind people. From the social media WechatLight to the last, the suspicion of new corona cases has made the reopening uncertain.From the social media WechatThere will therefore also be some time before everything is as it used to be again. Alex Plavevski / EPA / Ritzau ScanpixThere is still no expiration date on the 'closed' stickers set up at bars and restaurants. Jin / AFP / Ritzau ScanpixTo go into stores or buy takeaway coffee you need to be tested every 72 hours. And here the first day after the reopening, there is already a queue at the test sites, because people are hungry for everyday life to return. Shanghai has been described as a bounce-back city. We who live here are now waiting and hoping for that bounce. Even solitary confinement gets one hour of exercise a day. They have not been so lucky in Shanghai. Read Philip Roin's description of the last days in lockdown Story by: Sara Pagh (sapa@dr.dk) and Philip Roin

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