

Young people talk about abuse in the LGBT + environment: Difficult to know boundaries in a border-seeking environment | India | DR More gay men are exposed to sexual abuse compared to heterosexual men, research shows. By When Mikkel Radicke was 18 years old, he moved to Copenhagen. He is and had at that time a male girlfriend when he one night took in the city with a friend.What should have been a quiet evening ended up being a nightmare.He got memory loss, and woke up early in the morning he on an s-train with pain in the abdomen.His friend, who was in town, has told Mikkel that he left him with two men.Mikkel Radicke is today convinced that sedatives had been put in his drink . He tells this in the documentary 'Without'. Here he himself concludes that he has been subjected to a so-called drug-rape. you, because the environment is so hypersexualized, it just takes something to stick your finger out of the ground and say what the fuck is we doing, says Mikkel in the section that can be seen. 'Without consent' is about abuse in the gay community in Denmark. Watch the three episodes on .In the documentary 'Uden' + -persons tell about similar cases of homosexuals in the gay community. + Denmark now wants to do away with the culture that leads to. On their website, they write the following: - Many young people + people do not have + people to reflect on, and many therefore go out on the dating scene and on their own, and in some cases without knowing it. This increases the risk of ending up in insecure meetings where intercourse is not obtained or where the balance of power is too unequal. According to Camilla Møhring, who is a researcher at Aarhus University and associate professor at the Department of Communication and Culture, the + environment can be characterized by a playful and exploratory sexual environment. And it can help increase the proportion of sexuals in the environment, because it can be difficult to find out where one's boundaries are when one has been locked into this environment. In a new documentary series on DRTV, you meet a number young people who tell their personal stories about sexuality in the + environment.- The actors in the documentary describe a sexualizing environment, but also a playful and exploratory environment, because you meet about a sexuality that you do not have the opportunity to try elsewhere , says Camilla Møhring. The actors themselves call the environment hypersexualized, and according to Camilla Møhring, it can be difficult to know the boundaries when you are new in a minority environment. - As a heterosexual, you are in the luxury situation that all rooms are designed for one and one's sexuality, she says. Also at + Danmark, people are concerned about within the environment. - If you look at project sexus (a population survey made by Statens Serum Institut and Aalborg University, ed), you can see that is a significantly larger proportion of who have been exposed to .- 1.2 percent of men have been exposed to a sexual, while 8.2 percent of men have been exposed to a sexual, says Ask Ulrich Petersen, who is the front person for + Denmark. The gay community has always been a bit of its own city in the city, so it was very clear when new ones were added. Therefore, young people could also be easily exploited. Camilla Lantz, former owner of Cozy-barMikkel Radicke, whom we meet in the documentary, is dissatisfied with the sex education that he himself has had.- The sex education that is, is focused on heterosex, he says in the documentary. One of the things that Ask Ulrich Petersen points out as part of the solution is also a more diverse sex education.- We must start developing sex education for both children and adults. Because it is also adults who have not received the learning they need to get safely into this environment, he says. Kristian Elklit Kristensen is himself pansexual and is a volunteer at the sex express, which is an association that goes to schools and teaches sex education.- We work to teach because it is one of the most important things to avoid .He himself believes that it is important for everyone to be able to reflect in sex education so that it does not just talk to .- If one only talks about the rape of cis men and women, then others who do not have cis heterosexual sex might get the impression that can not happen to them.Previous bar owner of the gay bar Cozy Camilla Lantz also tells that in the + environment there are some so-called gatekeepers. There are some older people, often men, who have been in the environment for a long time and know it well. - The gay community has always been a bit of its own city in the city, so it was very clear when new ones were added. Therefore, young people could also easily be sexually exploited by the elderly, she says. She herself has witnessed that the newly arrived young people in the environment were collected by the so-called gatekeepers in the + environment at the bar Cozy.- There have been some who have seen it as a power to conquer these very young newcomers, especially in the 90s and, says Camillla Lantz.Camilla Møhring, who has researched, sees both the so-called Gatekeepers as an advantage, but also as a challenge in the environment.- They often have the advantage that they want to help new people find a place in the environment. But if it is exploited, then one can quickly feel excluded. But she also points out that one of the solutions is better information and education. - There are always experiments with sexuality throughout society. It is about having these conversations taken, and gaining an understanding that as a young person you are in a more vulnerable situation, says Camilla Møhring.

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