

In Germany and Sweden you get a discount on petrol - but it hardly happens in Denmark | Money | The DR Minister would rather see that the percentage for the driving deduction was raised. By Many car owners' eyes have probably been rolling out of their heads as they have been driving past price tags for the past many months. For the price of petrol has skyrocketed. This year alone, the price has risen by almost 26 percent at home. Do you want to know more about Germany's discount on petrol and diesel, and how it can affect at home? Then you can read more And Denmark is not the only country experiencing the massive price changes for petrol - the whole world does pretty much so. From today, Germany has introduced a discount on petrol and diesel, so the price of petrol falls by just under three kroner. The price of diesel falls by 1.24 kroner. It will apply for the next three months. But if it is up to Minister of Taxation Jeppe Bruus (S), it is unlikely to happen in Denmark. he says and continues: - That is why we are bigger supporters of working with the transport deduction (driving deduction ed.), which helps both those who commute far by car, but also those who cycle or take public transport.25 percent of the price of petrol is made up of price-fixed such as C02 and energy taxes. In contrast, they do not increase when petrol prices rise. Yesterday, the consumer price of petrol was DKK 18.69 per liter. Of this, DKK 8.42 of the price. Therefore, a reduction of would also mean that the state loses money, assesses a tax expert. - The petrol tax is a fixed, and if you lower it, less money comes in, says Henning Boye Hansen, who is chief consultant in the auditing firm BDO. several Danes have shouted loudly. They must be reduced or completely abolished, it sounds. One with the name "Remove all on petrol and diesel" has at the time of writing reached a little over 89,000 supporters. And although most would be happy with the prospect of lower petrol prices, a tax change could ultimately do the opposite. it exacerbates the already high prices of petrol and diesel as a hand is kept below demand. This is what Jan Brylov, who is - and oil strategist at Jyske Bank - says. When you are in the situation of crisis in Russia and Ukraine, the production (of oil, ed.) Is under pressure. If we continue to maintain a high demand, we will not help in the market. We guarantee ourselves that the price of oil and petrol will continue to be high, he says and continues: - You can not solve a production problem by keeping demand high. to all the people who commute to and from work. decided to raise the rate for the transport deduction - also called the driving deduction - so it landed at 2.16 kroner per kilometer driven in 2022, if you commute more than 24 kilometers to and from work overall. But another thing is the amount you end up with , when you have deducted the deduction in tax. You can enter and see how much extra you save with the new rates for the driving deduction. Right now you end up saving 26 percent in tax on your total deduction. In other words: if your driving deduction is DKK 10,000 a year, you save approximately DKK 2,600 in tax. The Minister of Taxation, Jeppe Bruus, will have changed that percentage so that it increases - as opposed to lowering petrol. prices, and some of what we have proposed is to raise the transportation deduction so that you get a larger deduction for driving long distances, he says. of 5,000 kroner. In addition, 419,000 can look forward to a heat check of 6,000 tax-free kroner due to the high gas prices. But this is not how the Minister of Taxation views it. Bruus. The low petrol taxes south of the border, however, lure Danes who had already been to Germany today to refuel cheap petrol. Money must be saved now that it has been reduced. - I postponed the trip (to Germany, ed.) From Monday to today, because the petrol was put down, says pensioner Kirsten Bekker, when Nyheder catches her across the German border. - I think it is expensive at home. That is it. I do not drive as many Sunday trips anymore, she continues. Mikkel Rosenkilde, a blacksmith from Glamsbjerg on Funen, is also enthusiastic about the cheaper petrol prices south of the border. - It is not down where it used to be, but it is cheaper than in Denmark. So it is being refueled completely now, and the tank, it is empty, he says. Therefore, he hopes that the Dane will be inspired by the lowered in Germany. - They should lower, so it comes down to about 9-10 kroner for boats diesel and petrol. Definitely, he says. Ove Nielsen from Vordingborg on Zealand is also enthusiastic about the low petrol prices in Germany. See more in the video below.

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