


50 reasons why i love eunwoo and jeno

1. they are the perfect figure that i've been dreaming for

2. jeno's broad shoulders

3. both of them look like a puppy when they smile

4. eunwoo's unreal visual

5. their bubbliness

6. do i need to mention their public speaking ability?

7. jeno will not never appreciate himself for everything he does

8. they gave their fans the best shape of loves

9. eunwoo selalu kasih perhatian perhatian kecil ke semua orang

10. mereka selalu bisa kasih aku support walaupun secara ga langsung

11. eunwoo dan Jeno selalu bisa bikin aku bahagia

12. senyumnya Eunwoo that is calming

13. they had done so many good deeds in this world

14. mereka selalu berusaha keras dan gapernah ngecewain orang lain

15. eunwoo’s cheesy laugh

16. perjuangan mereka yang bisa bikin mereka ada di titik ini sekarang

17. jeno’s aura that scream boyfriend-material vibes

18. mereka selalu berterimakasih ke semua fansnya

19. mereka gapernah nyerah tiap kali ada tantangan

20. eunwoo is a face genius

21. jeno selalu make sure kalo fansnya baik baik aja

22. mereka itu hardworker

23. baik banget ke semua oranggg eventho mereka ga deserve it

24. jeno such a pure heart t__t

25. mereka tau kalau mereka itu valuable

26. i adore them a lot

27. mereka selalu berusaha keras buat achive sesuatu

28. they are a living prince anime

29. jeno’s deep voice sjekdnwowqh

30. mereka talented banget

31. they worth admiring

32. eunwoo sama Jeno itu bias wrecker banget slapdjsjjejsjjbssj

33. their singing ability

34. and their dancing ability

35. mereka punya sesuatu yang gabisa ditemuin di idol lain

36. because they are perfect just the way they are

37. walaupun mereka gemes kaya piyik but they also a gentleman at the same time

38. the way they can push thru struggles

39. nobody is going to be like them, never

40. eunwoo and Jeno deserve the entire planet

41. they always make me feel cherised

42. caranya mereka buat nunjukin rasa sayang sama pedulinya dia ke orang lain

43. they make other people happy by being in around them

44. selalu nemuin cara buat bikin orang lain ketawa

45. they felt like my best medicine out of all kind

46. they has the sweetest voice ever

47. they always passionate

48. they are one of my reasons to survive

49. i always feel protected by them

50. karena Eunwoo dan Jeno itu one of the best thing that ever happened to me. Aku ngerasa bersyukur idolain mereka.

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