

"""Restart or Terminate the bot from any chat

Available Commands:



# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the GNU

# General Public License, v.3.0. If a copy of the GPL was not distributed with this

# file, You can obtain one at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html

from telethon import events

import asyncio

import os

import sys

from uniborg.util import admin_cmd


async def _(event):

if event.fwd_from:


# await asyncio.sleep(2)

# await event.edit("Restarting [██░] ...\n`.ping` me or `.helpme` to check if I am online")

# await asyncio.sleep(2)

# await event.edit("Restarting [███]...\n`.ping` me or `.helpme` to check if I am online")

# await asyncio.sleep(2)

await event.edit("Restarted. `.ping` me or `.helpme` to check if I am online")

await borg.disconnect()

# https://archive.is/im3rt

os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv)

# You probably don't need it but whatever



async def _(event):

if event.fwd_from:


await event.edit("Turning off ...Manually turn me on later")

await borg.disconnect()

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