

Holiday habits from the time with the corona take hold: New hiking route on Djursland should attract even more tourists to | India | DR Figures for bookings of holiday homes indicate that many people stick to coronavans and holiday in Denmark. arrows on the signs point future tourists in the municipality in the right direction, so they get a good experience on the new, updated hiking route: Djurslandstien. The initiative is a collaboration between the two neighboring municipalities Norddjurs and Syddjurs, which will give visitors a nature experience on the 150 kilometers long route.- The dream scenario is that it will be a nationally known route that people know, which will be an eye-catcher for our municipality and can help tourists want to go here, says Allan Gjersbøl Jørgensen (S), who is chairman for the Culture and Leisure Committee in Norddjurs Municipality. In the corona period, many people learned to lace up their hiking boots, book overnight stays in a shelter and use the holidays within Denmark's borders. n got more tourists than usual to the area - including in the cottage areas.More of the guests came to the municipality just to, and with Djurslandstien you want to keep up with that development.- We want the guests to continue to come rather than go abroad, says Allan Gjersbøl Jørgensen. Even though the world has reopened and many planes are on the wings again, there are indications that many of us actually stick to the holiday habits from the corona era by holidaying at home. At Feriehusudlejernes Brancheforening they look forward already now over the interest from Danes who want to rent a holiday home this year. Here the bookings from May to December are 27 percent above the level in 2019 - ie the time before corona and closures were part of society. The rental agency Dancenter is currently experiencing an occupancy rate at 78 percent in the holiday weeks 26-30 on holiday homes in Denmark. This is the highest level ever when compared to the same time previous years. A development that the agency especially attributes to the fact that Danes have opened their eyes to holiday homes during the corona pandemic. At Novasol, they are largely at the same level as in 2019 - also here they are experiencing increasing interest from Danish guests. There is no overall overview of flight bookings abroad , but the Danish Travel Agency Association informs DR News that even though travel out of Denmark is progressing, they will not reach the 2019 level this year. Source: Dancenter, Novasol, Danish Travel Agency Association Associate Professor Matias Thuen Jørgensen, who is the leader of Center for Tourism Research at Roskilde University, is surprised that the numbers for holiday home rentals are so high, and that something indicates that so many choose to stay in Denmark. But conversely, according to the tourism researcher, it makes sense that many still stick to some of the experiences and habits that they have gained during the corona, and not just park them and immediately travel out into the world again.- We have taught ourselves some new travel habits and found that there is actually something to experience quite close to where we live. And there is nothing to suggest that we will forget all that again, he says. In addition, the war in Ukraine and high, as we see now, can also come into play and put a damper on people's desire to travel. this year, the researcher explains.- Both things in their own way contribute to creating some uncertainty, and that is something tourism is very much affected by. Many do not cut the journeys away, but instead you may change a little how much money you spend on it by choosing another destination or by staying in Denmark, he says. On Jutland's east coast, Mette Tougaard Pedersen from Grenaa has already taken the Djurslandstien to get a small taste of the renovated hiking route in her immediate area.During the corona, she was bitten by that, and since then she has not been able to let go of the fresh air and energy that the outdoors gives. She also imagines that in the future she will combine hiking with holidays. Mette Tougaard Pedersen really likes to go on holiday in Denmark and did the same with the family during the corona, and they will still do. Just as quietly, the family has started to travel a bit to Europe again, but the long trips out into the world it will not be for now.- I do not want to.Now she is very much looking forward to the new hiking route in a little while is completely ready.- It will not be in one day, but I have to at least out to go h ele trip, it is for sure, says Mette Tougaard Pedersen.

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