

Gives scary explanation about murder: 'I went into the kitchen and took a glass of water' | BT Udland - www.bt.dk He had a long knife with him when he tried to enter the apartments. But several of them were locked. When he finally found an open door, he committed his first murder. This is how Espen Andersen Bråthen - who is a Danish citizen but grew up in Norway - told the court in Buskerud on Wednesday about the actions he committed last October in the Norwegian city of Kongsberg. It writes. That autumn day, he spread over half an hour of terror and terror among the citizens of the city, while attacking random people with bows, arrows and stabbing weapons. Last week, the trial against him began, where he is accused, among other things, of - and has admitted - having killed five people and committed 11 attempted murders. On Wednesday, he then told about how he committed the five murders in Hyttegata in the city. Something that his defense lawyer, according to NRK in court, described as "hard diet" to listen to. According to the 38-year-old Espen Andersen Bråthen himself, he tried to get into several apartments, but some of them had been locked. Eventually, he found an open door, and that led to him committing his first murder with a knife. Then he went on to other occasions, where he also described what he had done. In connection with one of the killings, he explained that he had taken a break: "I went into the kitchen and took a glass of water," Bråthen says according to NRK. Then he continued - until he was stopped by the police. Three forensic psychiatrists have previously concluded, according to Ritzau, that he had a strongly deviant state of mind when he went on the offensive against random people last year. That assessment may lead to him being considered insane and thus not punishable by ordinary imprisonment. The prosecution has announced that during the trial it will go after having him sentenced to forced psychiatric treatment. However, it is ultimately up to the court to decide that he was insane at the time of the crime. During the court hearing, Bråthen also said that he "regretted aloud" that he had killed five people: "I want to apologize to everyone I shot an arrow at, and I wish everyone who was killed was alive , «He said according to the Norwegian media. ABROAD Media: Football B.T.'s judgment Bookmakers' judgment Berlingske UDLAND Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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