

Julie Ølgaard lost her brother in a traffic accident: 'We went from being a happy family of four to becoming a shattered family of three' | BT Celebrities - www.bt.dk The actress Julie Ølgaard grew up in Hellerup with her father, mother and big brother. But shortly before his big brother's 18th birthday, the family's life changed forever when he lost his life in a car accident. She says this in an interview with. “We went from being a happy family of four to becoming a shattered family of three. My brother was still with us, but there were only three of us left, and there is nothing worse in the world than parents losing their children, ”she says. Since then, Julie Ølgaard has created her own family with the skier Gustav Muus, with whom she has the children Cooper and Roxie. The two got married in 2015. The fact that Julie Ølgaard's big brother never gets a chance to meet her family is one of the things that hurts the most. In 2017, she told, also, that she would give anything to just get five minutes with her big brother again and give him a hug. "Most of all, I want to do it with the rest of my family, my parents, Gustav and our son so he can meet them too." The loss of his brother is not the only sad fate that has befallen Julie Ølgaard when it comes to it closest relatives. In 2019, when Julie Ølgaard was pregnant with her and her husband's second child, she began to notice major changes in her mother's behavior. The memory failed, and when Julie Ølgaard made sure that the mother was referred to Rigshospitalet's memory clinic, the discouraging message came: Julie Ølgaard's mother had aggressive frontal lobe dementia. The 40-year-old actor is known from a wide range of roles in films such as 'Midsummer' and 'Raw Zone' as well as hosting roles on various TV shows. She also played a central, albeit short-lived, role in the innovative series 'The Crime'. ABROAD Media: UKRAINE ABROAD Sport ABROAD SPORT ABROAD SPORT sport BERLINGSKE WEEKENDAVISEN sport indictment ukraine indictment Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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