

Magnus Heunicke convenes rapporteurs for a meeting on monkey cups | BT Politics - www.bt.dk | Updated Health Minister Magnus Heunicke has convened the parties' health rapporteurs for a meeting on monkey pox. It writes. The Statens Serum Institut and the National Board of Health also participated in the meeting, which will be held at 14.30 Wednesday afternoon It happens tomorrow 14.30. SSI and the National Board of Health will also participate. »As it is now, there has been no infection in Denmark. In other words, it is traveling Danes who have brought the infection home. But our authorities are in full swing with the detection, and we follow it every day, "says Magnus Heunicke to TV 2. Denmark is one of a string of European countries that have experienced cases of infection with the disease, which was found in humans for the first time in 1970. The National Board of Health has confirmed that two Danish men have been infected with monkey pox on trips abroad. According to the Danish health authorities, however, there is no reason to panic, as the disease is not very contagious and typically only produces mild courses. According to the Danish Health and Medicines Authority, this indicates that the infection is particularly widespread among men who have sex with men, even though the disease can affect everyone. Therefore, the National Board of Health has been in dialogue with the AIDS Foundation and LGBT + Denmark and asked them to reach out and draw attention to the advice on protection during intercourse. The symptoms of monkey pox include fever, chills and a rash with blisters that can cause sores when they heal. The rapporteurs had already been summoned to a meeting on Wednesday with the Minister of Health. Therefore, the briefing on monkey cups is just another item on the agenda. B.T. spoke earlier Tuesday with Professor Karen Angeliki Krogfelt, who answered questions asked by readers. You can read. ABROAD Media: UKRAINE ABROAD Sport ABROAD SPORT ABROAD SPORT sport BERLINGSKE WEEKENDAVISEN sport indictment ukraine indictment Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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